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Simulation-Based Continuing Education in Health Care Social Work: A Case Study of Clinical Training Innovation
Clinical Social Work Journal ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s10615-021-00806-y
Emma D Sollars 1 , Nancy Xenakis 1

Health care social workers practice in a fast-paced, demanding work environment, and do not always have the opportunity to reflect meaningfully on their work or to practice new skills. This article describes an innovative program, the Partnership for Excellence in Social Work Practice in Health Care (“the Partnership”), which provides a professional development opportunity for health care social workers and contributes to the larger mission of providing comprehensive and coordinated care to high-risk populations. The Partnership aims to help social workers respond to the current challenges of health care practice through simulation learning as an educational reflective practice technique. Through this program, social workers at all levels of experience have the opportunity to practice real-world scenarios in a safe and structured space, receive feedback, and reflect on their skills. The Partnership utilizes professional actors who portray patients, doctors, and care partners (formal or informal caregivers) in case examples that explore key issues in the field. This enables learners to be exposed to a representative set of patient experiences, expediting the development of their skills, enhancing their competence, and facilitating the habit of ongoing reflection in practice and in the development of one’s professional identity. Implications of the program for clinical social work practice and directions for future study are discussed.



卫生保健社会工作者在快节奏、要求苛刻的工作环境中执业,并不总是有机会有意义地反思他们的工作或练习新技能。本文介绍了一项创新计划,即医疗保健社会工作实践卓越合作伙伴关系(“伙伴关系”),该计划为医疗保健社会工作者提供专业发展机会,并有助于为高龄人群提供全面和协调的护理这一更大使命​​。 -风险人群。该伙伴关系旨在通过模拟学习作为一种教育反思实践技术,帮助社会工作者应对当前的医疗保健实践挑战。通过该计划,各级经验的社会工作者都有机会在安全和结构化的空间中练习现实世界的场景,接受反馈,并反思他们的技能。该伙伴关系利用描绘患者、医生和护理合作伙伴(正式或非正式护理人员)的专业演员来探索该领域的关键问题。这使学习者能够接触到一组具有代表性的患者体验,加快他们的技能发展,提高他们的能力,并促进在实践中不断反思和发展个人职业认同的习惯。讨论了该计划对临床社会工作实践的影响和未来研究的方向。这使学习者能够接触到一组具有代表性的患者体验,加快他们的技能发展,提高他们的能力,并促进在实践中不断反思和发展个人职业认同的习惯。讨论了该计划对临床社会工作实践的影响和未来研究的方向。这使学习者能够接触到一组具有代表性的患者体验,加快他们的技能发展,提高他们的能力,并促进在实践中不断反思和发展个人职业认同的习惯。讨论了该计划对临床社会工作实践的影响和未来研究的方向。
