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Efficiency of entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae and Steinernematidae) on the codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) under controlled conditions
Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-03 , DOI: 10.1186/s41938-021-00399-1
Mürşide Yağci , Ayşe Özdem , F. Dolunay Erdoğuş , Erdoğan Ayan

The codling moth (CM), Cydia pomonella (L). (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is an important pest of apple in Turkey and other apple producing countries in the world. Several control methods are available for reducing the pest populations. Entomopathogenic nematode (EPNs), for example, can be used as a potential alternative to chemical insecticides to control codling moth larvae in the soil as eco-friendly management their hosts that can actively find them in cryptic locations. Efficacy of 4 EPN isolates, Steinernema carpocapsae (Bakışlı), S. feltiae (ES-3), Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (TOK-20) and H. bacteriophora (11-KG) for controlling the 1st instar larvae of the codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) was investigated under controlled laboratory conditions. Codling moth was susceptible to different rates to all the 4 EPN isolates. All nematode trials were more effective than the control (water). The overall mortality caused by S. carpocapsae (Bakışlı 05) was significantly higher than the other EPN species. S. carpocapsae was the most effective with the highest tested concentration (100 IJs/larva), killing 82.63% of codling moth larvae, followed by S. feltilae (ES-3), with a mortality rate of 71.5%. H. bacteriophora (TOK-20) exhibited the least mortality at 25 IJs/larva concentration in all experiments. The study proved that these nematodes were very efficient and could be used to control codling moth in biological control programs.


在控制条件下,昆虫病原线虫(Rhabditida:Heterorhabditidae和Steinernematidae)对co蛾(Cydia pomonella L。)(鳞翅目:Tortricidae)的效率。

mo蛾(CM),po蛾(L)。(鳞翅目:Tortricidae),是土耳其和世界其他苹果生产国的重要苹果害虫。有几种控制方法可用于减少有害生物种群。例如,昆虫病原线虫(EPNs)可以用作化学杀虫剂的潜在替代品,以控制土壤中的苹果mo蛾幼虫,作为其宿主的生态友好型管理,可以主动在隐蔽的地方找到它们。4种EPN分离物,Steinernema carpocapsae(Bakışlı),S。feeliae(ES-3),Hterorhabditis bacteriophora(TOK-20)和H. bacteriophora(11-KG)的功效,可用于控制mo蛾的第一龄幼虫(Cydia pomonella) L.)在受控实验室条件下进行了研究。对所有4个EPN分离株,苹果蛾都有不同的发病率。所有线虫试验均比对照(水)更有效。由腕果链霉菌(Bakışlı05)引起的总体死亡率显着高于其他EPN物种。腕果链球菌最有效,测试浓度最高(100 IJs /幼虫),杀死82.63%的co蛾幼虫,其次是毡状链球菌(ES-3),死亡率为71.5%。在所有实验中,H。bacteriophora(TOK-20)在25 IJs /幼虫浓度下的死亡率最低。研究证明,这些线虫非常有效,可以在生物控制程序中用于控制苹果mo蛾。腕果ae是最有效的,浓度最高(100 IJs /幼虫),杀死了82.63%的苹果mo蛾幼虫,其次是毡状链球菌(ES-3),死亡率为71.5%。在所有实验中,H。bacteriophora(TOK-20)在25 IJs /幼虫浓度下的死亡率最低。研究证明,这些线虫非常有效,可以在生物控制程序中用于控制苹果mo蛾。腕果ae是最有效的,浓度最高(100 IJs /幼虫),杀死了82.63%的苹果mo蛾幼虫,其次是毡状链球菌(ES-3),死亡率为71.5%。在所有实验中,H。bacteriophora(TOK-20)在25 IJs /幼虫浓度下的死亡率最低。研究证明,这些线虫非常有效,可以在生物控制程序中用于控制苹果mo蛾。