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Water Utilities Should Not Be Strangers to WIFIA
Journal American Water Works Association ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-03 , DOI: 10.1002/awwa.1703
G. Tracy Mehan

Thanks to the labors of my predecessor, Tom Curtis; other volunteer leaders; and sustained advocacy by AWWA members at the grassroots, the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) became law in 2014. It has been a smashing success, yet drinking water utilities have been slower to participate in the program compared with utilities managing wastewater, combined sewer overflow (CSO), and water reuse projects.

This trend seems to have been reversing itself lately, but there are still too many missed opportunities for drinking water funding through WIFIA loans. Drinking water systems will send in a letter of interest, but then drop out of the running for reasons still unclear.

WIFIA is a federal credit program that provides long‐term, low‐cost loans with fixed interest rates to creditworthy utilities. The program offers an extended repayment term of up to 35 years from completion of construction (usually five more years), deferred interest, and “sculpted” rates to match revenues with utility expenditures over the life of the loan. Other features such as the “drawdown” and prepayment enhance its attractiveness.

It is also a great deal for the taxpayer. The WIFIA portfolio of loans generates US$100 of infrastructure spending for every $1 appropriated to the program by Congress. WIFIA loans finance up to 49% of approved projects, thereby stimulating other investments from tax‐exempt bonds, state revolving funds (SRFs), or private equity. In 2021 alone, WIFIA will be able to lend approximately $5 billion.

WIFIA is managed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), which has done an outstanding job with setting up this new finance program. To date, it has closed on 49 loans totaling $9.3 billion (as of April 2021) to finance systems serving 31 million Americans.

Various projects are eligible for WIFIA funding (see www.epa.gov/wifia), including the usual suspects such as treatment, storage, consolidation, water security, energy efficiency, and many more. Basically, anything eligible under either the Clean Water Act or Safe Drinking Water Act SRFs is fair game if the applicant is a public water system. Further, WIFIA loans fund not only projects, but ongoing programs such as lead service line and distribution system replacements—two areas of particular interest to drinking water utilities. While WIFIA has yet to fund a land‐based source water protection project at scale, there is no reason a utility could not fund protection of a headwaters forest or deployment of easements and management practices on agricultural lands to protect the utility's reservoir or other source water.

USEPA's Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water has identified a 200‐year average cycle for replacement of distribution lines in the water sector. While one does not automatically replace, say, a 100‐year‐old line, postponing renewal for two or three centuries is not an asset management model that utilities should practice. Utilities often pay for distribution line renewals from their operating revenue on a pay‐as‐you‐go basis rather than using debt financing with the cost spread over multiple years. WIFIA offers a means of getting ahead of the curve and reducing risk for current and future generations.

Drinking water utilities’ general managers and chief financial officers should consult USEPA on the myriad benefits of WIFIA, which are outlined on their website as follows:
  • Very low interest rates—i.e., Treasury rates of the equivalent maturity based on weighted average
  • Extremely flexible repayment schedules during construction with deferrals allowed during periods of high capital spending
  • Preservation of borrowers’ senior debt capacity —i.e., permitting borrowers to issue future non‐WIFIA project–related debt at lower interest rates and more favorable terms
  • Flexibility to “sculpt” the repayment schedule to reduce burden on ratepayers; in other words, scaling up repayments over time to allow for small and steady rate increases to accommodate capital expenditures and debt service payments
  • Backloading repayments to provide significant savings compared with level repayment schedules since cash outlays made sooner cost more than outlays in future years as a result of lost earning capacity on that cash

Funding wastewater, CSO, and reuse projects is important and will continue to be a big part of the WIFIA program, but it would be ironic if drinking water utilities did not take advantage of this marvelous program that AWWA labored so hard to create, fund, and protect over the past decade. WIFIA and drinking water utilities should not be strangers to each other.



多亏了我的前任汤姆·柯蒂斯(Tom Curtis)的辛勤工作;其他志愿者领袖;在基层的AWWA成员不断倡导下,《水基础设施金融与创新法案》(WIFIA)于2014年成为法律。这项法案取得了巨大的成功,但与管理废水的公共事业相比,饮用水公共事业的参与速度较慢,下水道溢流(CSO)和中水回用项目相结合





各种项目都有资格获得WIFIA资助(请参阅www.epa.gov/wifia),包括常见的可疑项目,例如处理,存储,合并,水安全,能源效率等。基本上,如果申请人是公共供水系统,则符合《清洁水法》或《安全饮用水法》 SRF规定的任何条件都是公平的。此外,WIFIA贷款不仅为项目提供资金,而且还为正在进行的计划(如铅服务线和配电系统更换)提供资金,这是饮用水公用事业特别感兴趣的两个领域。尽管WIFIA尚未大规模资助陆上水源保护项目,但公用事业公司没有理由不能为保护源头森林或在农业土地上部署地役权和管理实践提供资金,以保护公用事业的水库或其他水源。


  • 极低的利率-即基于加权平均的同等期限的国库券利率
  • 施工期间的偿还时间表非常灵活,在高资本支出期间允许延期
  • 保留借款人的高级债务能力,即允许借款人以较低的利率和更优惠的条件发行未来与非WIFIA项目相关的债务
  • 灵活地“雕刻”还款时间表,以减轻纳税人的负担;换句话说,随着时间的推移逐步扩大还款额,以允许小幅和稳定的利率增长,以适应资本支出和偿债支出
  • 与分期还款时间表相比,分期还款可以显着节省成本,因为由于现金的盈利能力下降,现金支出比未来几年的支出要早得多

