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Picturing dual language and gentrification: an analysis of visual media and their connection to language policy
Language Policy ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s10993-021-09585-1
Edmund T. Hamann , Theresa Catalano

Dual language (DL) programs propose to be vehicles of social justice and transformation by valuing an additional language other than the dominant one in a society and thereby contesting language hierarchies and the subordination of those who speak/use a non-dominant language (Flores, Flores, Educational Policy 30:13–38, 2016; Menken and García, Menken, K., & García, O. (2021). Constructing translanguaging school policies and practices. In: CUNY-New York State Initiative on Emergent Bilinguals (Eds.) Translanguaging and transformative teaching for emergent bilingual students. Project. Routledge, New York.). However, Palmer (Henderson, K. I., & Palmer, D. K. (2020). Dual Language Bilingual Education: Teacher Cases and Perspectives on Large-scale Implementation. Multilingual Matters.: 11) warned that DL programs risk becoming “enrichment foreign-language immersion to middle- and upper-class White children” and hence “lost opportunit[ies] for transformation.” This “gentrification” of DL efforts is enabled by racial, economic, and linguistic hierarchies of power (Valdez, Freire, and Delavan, Valdez et al., The Urban Review 48:601–627, 2016). Our analysis of five images from a corpus of 34 online news articles considers how photographic depictions of DL programs can manifest gentrification in non-linguistic ways that nonetheless reinforce moves away from DL for social transformation and toward DL as hegemonic. This paper clarifies how multimodal critical discourse analysis (MCDA) and Habermasian notions of the public sphere critically complement how public spaces (in this case schools) get imbued with “specific values that mediate inhabitants’ interpretations of themselves and their relation to others in a space” (Hult, Hult, Tollefson and Pérez-Milans (eds), The Oxford handbook of language policy and planning, Oxford University Press, 2018: 338). Findings reveal nuanced ways in which world language populations are protagonized visually and related ways that heritage/maintenance populations are either erased or marginalized. This helps explain the key assertion—that visual images can reinforce DL program gentrification—but also augments the theoretical toolkit available to study how progressive intentions of DL can become co-opted.



双重语言(DL)计划通过评估一种社会中占主导地位的语言以外的另一种语言,从而对抗语言等级制度和说/使用非主导语言的人的从属地位,从而成为社会正义和转型的工具(Flores, Flores,《教育政策》,2016年30月13日至38日; Menken和García,K。Menken和O.García,(2021年)。 。)为新兴的双语学生提供的语言翻译和转换教学(纽约鲁特奇项目)。但是,Palmer(亨德森,KI,帕尔默,DK(2020年)。双语双语教育:教师案例和大规模实施的观点。多语言问题。:11)警告说,远程学习计划有可能变成“使外语沉浸于中上层和白人白人儿童中”,并因此“失去转型的机会”的风险。权力的种族,经济和语言等级制度实现了DL努力的这种“绅士化”(Valdez,Freire和Delavan,Valdez等人,《城市评论》 48:601–627,2016)。我们对来自34条在线新闻文章的五幅图像的分析考虑了DL节目的照片描绘如何以非语言方式表现出绅士化,但仍然加强了从DL走向社会转型并朝着DL霸权的方向发展。本文阐明了多模式批判性话语分析(MCDA)和哈贝马斯主义的公共领域概念如何批判性地补充公共空间(在这种情况下,学校)如何充满“特定价值,这些价值调解了居民对自己的理解以及他们在空间中与他人的关系” ”(Hult,Hult,Tollefson和Pérez-Milans(eds),《牛津语言政策与规划手册》,牛津大学出版社,2018年:338)。研究发现揭示了在视觉上使世界语言人口多变的细微差别,以及对传统/维护人口的抹除或边缘化的相关方式。这有助于解释关键的断言-视觉图像可以增强DL程序的高级化程度-但同时也增加了可用于研究DL的渐进式意图如何被采纳的理论工具包。
