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Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Acceptability and Campaign Message Preferences Among African American Parents: a Qualitative Study
Journal of Cancer Education ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s13187-021-02014-1
Yuki Lama 1 , Yan Qin 2 , Xiaoli Nan 2 , Cheryl Knott 3 , Clement Adebamowo 4 , Shana O Ntiri 5 , Min Qi Wang 3

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination can prevent numerous cancers, yet uptake remains low for adolescents. Given disproportionate burden of cancers among African Americans, it is important to identify factors that influence HPV vaccination decisions among African American parents, specifically the role and preferences of vaccine campaign messages. The objectives of this study were to (1) identify the predictors of parents’ decisions to get their children vaccinated against HPV, (2) assess parents’ evaluation of current HPV vaccination campaign messages, and (3) uncover message strategies or themes parents consider to be effective and motivating to vaccinate their children against HPV. Focus groups were conducted with African American mothers and fathers (n = 18) in person. Several themes emerged regarding HPV vaccine acceptability including the desire to be informed, the unfamiliarity of vaccination, and mistrust toward government, pharmaceutical companies, and healthcare providers. Parental review of existing campaign messages highlighted the importance of clarifying risks and benefits of vaccination, including cancer prevention, and the preference for straightforward language. When brainstorming strategies to craft effective messages, parents highlighted need for the inclusion of diverse groups across race, gender, and age. Additionally, parents recommended clear language on side effects, eligibility, and additional resources for further information. Our findings highlight concerns and potential strategies to promote HPV vaccination tailored to African American parents and their children. Targeted interventions to increase vaccination need to consider the importance of building trust and representation in health promotional materials. Considerations for how messages were shared were also discussed such as physical locations, word of mouth, and social media.



人乳头瘤病毒 (HPV) 疫苗接种可以预防多种癌症,但青少年的接种率仍然很低。鉴于非洲裔美国人的癌症负担不成比例,重要的是要确定影响非洲裔美国父母 HPV 疫苗接种决定的因素,特别是疫苗宣传信息的作用和偏好。本研究的目的是 (1) 确定父母决定让孩子接种 HPV 疫苗的预测因素,(2) 评估父母对当前 HPV 疫苗接种活动信息的评价,以及 (3) 揭示父母考虑的信息策略或主题有效并激励他们的孩子接种 HPV 疫苗。焦点小组与非洲裔美国母亲和父亲一起进行(n = 18) 亲自。关于 HPV 疫苗的可接受性出现了几个主题,包括希望了解情况、对疫苗接种不熟悉以及对政府、制药公司和医疗保健提供者的不信任。家长对现有活动信息的审查强调了阐明疫苗接种风险和益处的重要性,包括癌症预防,以及对直截了当语言的偏好。在集思广益制定有效信息的策略时,父母们强调需要包容不同种族、性别和年龄的不同群体。此外,父母建议使用明确的语言说明副作用、资格和其他资源以获取更多信息。我们的研究结果强调了促进针对非裔美国父母及其子女的 HPV 疫苗接种的担忧和潜在策略。增加疫苗接种的有针对性的干预措施需要考虑在健康宣传材料中建立信任和代表性的重要性。还讨论了如何共享消息的注意事项,例如物理位置、口碑和社交媒体。
