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Native flowering shrubs promote beneficial insects in avocado orchards
Agricultural and Forest Entomology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-30 , DOI: 10.1111/afe.12447
Alejandra E. Muñoz 1 , Paul Amouroux 1 , Tania Zaviezo 1

  1. Flower strips can promote and conserve beneficial insects in agroecosystems. Knowing which groups are favoured and which plant traits affect visitation rates by beneficial insects is important for the design of plant strips.
  2. We established 21 Native Flower Strips (NFS) in avocado orchards in Central Chile. NFS contained 7–11 plant species, with variable corolla length and flowering period, to promote beneficial insects. We assessed flight activity of ladybirds (Coccinellidae) and bees (Apiformes) in sites adjacent to and far from NFS within avocado orchards. Additionally, we evaluated flower visitation for the main flower visitor groups (Apiformes, Lepidoptera, Diptera, and Coleoptera) to the plant species in NFS according to season and corolla length.
  3. We found almost six times greater flight activity of coccinellids and bees in NFS than sites far from NFS within avocado orchards. Visitation rates of pollinator groups varied according to corolla length and season. Diptera, Coleoptera, and Lepidoptera consistently visited short corolla flowers. NFS were highly visited in summer and autumn, when avocados were not in bloom.
  4. NFS in orchards should be encouraged by policymakers because they support beneficial insects that could deliver ecosystem services and contribute to local biological conservation.



  1. 花带可以促进和保护农业生态系统中的有益昆虫。了解哪些群体受到青睐以及哪些植物性状会影响益虫的访问率,这对于植物带的设计很重要。
  2. 我们在智利中部的鳄梨园建立了 21 个原生花带 (NFS)。NFS 包含 7-11 种植物,花冠长度和开花期各不相同,以促进有益昆虫的生长。我们评估了鳄梨园内靠近和远离 NFS 的地点的瓢虫(瓢虫科)和蜜蜂(蜂形目)的飞行活动。此外,我们根据季节和花冠长度评估了 NFS 中主要花卉访问群体(蜂形目、鳞翅目、双翅目和鞘翅目)的花卉访问量。
  3. 我们发现 NFS 中瓢虫和蜜蜂的飞行活动几乎是鳄梨园内远离 NFS 的地点的 6 倍。传粉者群体的访问率因花冠长度和季节而异。双翅目、鞘翅目和鳞翅目一直访问短花冠花。NFS 在夏季和秋季访问量很大,当时鳄梨没有开花。
  4. 政策制定者应鼓励果园中的 NFS,因为它们支持可以提供生态系统服务并有助于当地生物保护的有益昆虫。