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Exploring cost-efficient bundling in a multi-cloud environment
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.simpat.2021.102338
Chatzithanasis Georgios , Filiopoulou Evangelia , Michalakelis Christos , Nikolaidou Maria

When exploring hybrid cloud solutions, the provision of cloud computing resources by more than one provider, may result in important gains, such as better risk management, improvement of operational efficiency and avoidance of the lock-in effect by a single vendor. To this end, many enterprises decide to rely on hybrid strategies and multiple cloud providers. With the strategic distribution of the cloud management and resources between multiple providers, multi-cloud adoption can achieve greater efficiency, taking advantage of the economies of scale, and establish an optimal performance/cost balance of the multi-cloud service. Into this context, the paper explores the pricing strategies of 23 different providers for IaaS and estimates the efficiency of different multi-provider service bundles, utilizing DEA methodology. The results are quite encouraging, since the efficiency of multi-cloud solutions is increasing, while cost savings may be accomplished. They provide a measurable driver for clients exploring hybrid solutions of how to mix different IaaS services of different providers.



