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Becoming Through Contiguity and Lines of Flight: The Four Faces of Celebrity-Proximate Assemblages
Journal of Consumer Research ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-28 , DOI: 10.1093/jcr/ucab026
Michal J Carrington 1 , Julie L Ozanne 2

Prior consumer studies examined consumers in extraordinary contexts role playing and transforming using magical thinking. This study investigates consumers becoming in everyday life using celebrities and explores the dynamic relations between consumers and social media. Individual and group interviews and mobile digital data were collected. Drawing on Deleuze and Guattari’s (1987) theory of becoming, four faces of celebrity-proximate assemblages were inductively derived to explore the range of dynamic states that can emerge at any moment. The celebrity-proximate assemblage includes the body without organization that is virtual and contiguous with diverting assemblages and forms fluid lines of flight with the possibility of disruption. The developing body is both virtual and actual and is contiguous with overlapping assemblages and actualizes tentative lines of flight for capacities to experiment in the real world. The enhanced and regimented body are also both virtual and actual. The enhanced body comingles with other assemblages and actualizes fewer expansive lines that map new capacities. The regimented body, however, is captivated by other assemblages and actualizes the fewest and most restrictive lines, which are often life diminishing. Implications for consumer research are explored for this model of becoming and the use of mobile digital data collection methods.



之前的消费者研究调查了消费者在特殊情境下的角色扮演和使用神奇思维进行的转变。本研究使用名人调查消费者在日常生活中的变化,并探讨消费者与社交媒体之间的动态关系。收集了个人和小组访谈以及移动数字数据。借鉴德勒兹和瓜塔里 (1987) 的生成理论,归纳推导出名人组合的四张面孔,以探索随时可能出现的动态状态范围。与名人相近的组合包括没有组织的身体,它是虚拟的,与转移的组合相连,并形成流动的飞行线,有可能被破坏。发展中的主体既是虚拟的又是真实的,并且与重叠的组合相邻,并实现了试探性的飞行路线,以便在现实世界中进行实验。增强的和被控制的身体也是虚拟的和现实的。增强的车身与其他组合相结合,并实现了更少的扩展线来映射新的容量。然而,严密的身体被其他组合所吸引,并实现了最少和最严格的线条,这些线条通常会减少生命。探索了这种成为和使用移动数字数据收集方法的模型对消费者研究的影响。增强的车身与其他组合相结合,并实现了更少的扩展线来映射新的容量。然而,严密的身体被其他组合所吸引,并实现了最少和最严格的线条,这些线条通常会减少生命。探索了这种成为和使用移动数字数据收集方法的模型对消费者研究的影响。增强的车身与其他组合相结合,并实现了更少的扩展线来映射新的容量。然而,严密的身体被其他组合所吸引,并实现了最少和最严格的线条,这些线条通常会减少生命。探索了这种成为和使用移动数字数据收集方法的模型对消费者研究的影响。