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The effect of memory and vision range on cooperators dynamics in donation game
The European Physical Journal B ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-01 , DOI: 10.1140/epjb/s10051-021-00101-2
Niloufar Najafian , Farhad Ferdowsi , Keivan Aghababaei Samani


Although most studies in the field of game-driven population dynamics are concentrated on imitation update rule, it is the logit update rule that is dominated in many cases in society. Despite the fact that it may seem to be an intelligence method to choose the most profitable strategy, it often can lead to a lower level of cooperation in society. This study aims at investigating the effect of using an extra source of information in the process of each strategy profitability estimation. Our simulation shows that making decisions based on these new sources of information can improve the logit update rule and make cooperators more resistant against defection. Moreover, increasing information gathering area and memory power as much as possible does not necessarily in the favor of cooperation level in society. instead, maximum average cooperation level occurs in moderate values of vision range and memory damping coefficient. Effective probable mechanisms in happening such a phenomenon are also discussed.

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