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Expression of VAChT and 5-HT in Ulcerative colitis dendritic cells
Acta Histochemica ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.acthis.2021.151715
Simona Pergolizzi 1 , Giuseppina Rizzo 2 , Angelo Favaloro 2 , Alessio Alesci 1 , Socrate Pallio 3 , Giuseppinella Melita 4 , Giuseppina Cutroneo 2 , Eugenia Rita Lauriano 1

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract that can affect people of worldwide. In contrast with Crohn’s disease, that can relate the entire thickness of the bowel wall, the inflammation of ulcerative colitis is limited to the colonic mucosa. Immune cells including activated T cells, plasma cells, mast cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells (DCs) trigger the inflammation. Furthermore, dendritic cells are antigen presenting cells involved in maintaining intestinal immune homeostasis. It has been described an increment of number in DCs colonic mucosa of patients with ulcerative colitis. The immune cells such as antigen-presenting cells can act as autocrine or paracrine modulators. Recent studies showed that dendritic cells synthetized and released classical neurotransmitters as glutamate, dopamine, acetylcholine, and serotonin. Paraformaldehyde-fixed intestinal tissues, obtained from the stricture sites of ten patients with ulcerative colitis were analyzed by immunostaining for Langerin/CD207, serotonin and vesicular acetylcholine transporter. As controls, unaffected (normal) portions of five patients were also investigated. Aim of this study was to characterize for the first time the human gut dendritic cells of ulcerative colitis patients, with Langerin/CD207 that is a c-type lectin expressed by different types of DCs and to colocalize in the same cells the expression of serotonin and vesicular acetylcholine transporter, showing the link between dendritic cells, gut enterochromaffin cells or autonomic nerves in immune activation and generation of intestinal inflammation.



溃疡性结肠炎是胃肠道的一种慢性炎症,可影响世界各地的人们。与克罗恩病相比,克罗恩病与肠壁的整个厚度有关,溃疡性结肠炎的炎症仅限于结肠粘膜。包括活化的 T 细胞、浆细胞、肥大细胞、巨噬细胞和树突细胞 (DC) 在内的免疫细胞会引发炎症。此外,树突状细胞是参与维持肠道免疫稳态的抗原呈递细胞。已经描述了溃疡性结肠炎患者的 DCs 结肠黏膜数量增加。免疫细胞如抗原呈递细胞可以作为自分泌或旁分泌调节剂。最近的研究表明,树突状细胞合成并释放经典的神经递质,如谷氨酸、多巴胺、乙酰胆碱和血清素。从 10 名溃疡性结肠炎患者的狭窄部位获得的多聚甲醛固定的肠组织通过 Langerin/CD207、5-羟色胺和囊泡乙酰胆碱转运蛋白的免疫染色分析。作为对照,还研究了五名患者的未受影响(正常)部分。本研究的目的是首次表征溃疡性结肠炎患者的人类肠道树突细胞,Langerin/CD207 是一种由不同类型 DC 表达的 c 型凝集素,并将血清素和血清素的表达共定位于同一细胞中。囊泡乙酰胆碱转运蛋白,显示了树突状细胞、肠道肠嗜铬细胞或自主神经在免疫激活和肠道炎症发生之间的联系。通过对 Langerin/CD207、血清素和囊泡乙酰胆碱转运蛋白的免疫染色分析从 10 名溃疡性结肠炎患者的狭窄部位获得的血清。作为对照,还研究了五名患者的未受影响(正常)部分。本研究的目的是首次表征溃疡性结肠炎患者的人类肠道树突细胞,Langerin/CD207 是一种由不同类型 DC 表达的 c 型凝集素,并将血清素和血清素的表达共定位于同一细胞中。囊泡乙酰胆碱转运蛋白,显示了树突状细胞、肠道肠嗜铬细胞或自主神经在免疫激活和肠道炎症发生之间的联系。通过对 Langerin/CD207、血清素和囊泡乙酰胆碱转运蛋白的免疫染色分析从 10 名溃疡性结肠炎患者的狭窄部位获得的血清。作为对照,还研究了五名患者的未受影响(正常)部分。本研究的目的是首次表征溃疡性结肠炎患者的人类肠道树突细胞,Langerin/CD207 是一种由不同类型 DC 表达的 c 型凝集素,并将血清素和血清素的表达共定位于同一细胞中。囊泡乙酰胆碱转运蛋白,显示了树突状细胞、肠道肠嗜铬细胞或自主神经在免疫激活和肠道炎症发生之间的联系。血清素和囊泡乙酰胆碱转运蛋白。作为对照,还研究了五名患者的未受影响(正常)部分。本研究的目的是首次表征溃疡性结肠炎患者的人类肠道树突细胞,Langerin/CD207 是一种由不同类型 DC 表达的 c 型凝集素,并将血清素和血清素的表达共定位于同一细胞中。囊泡乙酰胆碱转运蛋白,显示了树突状细胞、肠道肠嗜铬细胞或自主神经在免疫激活和肠道炎症发生之间的联系。血清素和囊泡乙酰胆碱转运蛋白。作为对照,还研究了五名患者的未受影响(正常)部分。本研究的目的是首次表征溃疡性结肠炎患者的人类肠道树突细胞,Langerin/CD207 是一种由不同类型 DC 表达的 c 型凝集素,并将血清素和血清素的表达共定位于同一细胞中。囊泡乙酰胆碱转运蛋白,显示了树突状细胞、肠道肠嗜铬细胞或自主神经在免疫激活和肠道炎症发生之间的联系。
