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On differential equations classifying a warped product submanifold of cosymplectic space forms
Journal of Inequalities and Applications ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-29 , DOI: 10.1186/s13660-021-02620-z
Akram Ali , Fatemah Mofarreh , Rifaqat Ali , Irfan Anjum Badruddin

In the present paper, we extend the study of (Ali et al. in J. Inequal. Appl. 2020:241, 2020) by using differential equations (García-Río et al. in J. Differ. Equ. 194(2):287–299, 2003; Pigola et al. in Math. Z. 268:777–790, 2011; Tanno in J. Math. Soc. Jpn. 30(3):509–531, 1978; Tashiro in Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 117:251–275, 1965), and we find some necessary conditions for the base of warped product submanifolds of cosymplectic space form $\widetilde{M}^{2m+1}(\epsilon )$ to be isometric to the Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ or a warped product of complete manifold N and Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}$ .



在本文中,我们通过使用微分方程(García-Río等人,在J.Differ.Equ.194(2)中扩展了(Ali等人,在J.Inequal.Appl.2020:241,2020)中的研究:2003-287年; 2003年; Pigola等人,在Math.Z.268:777-790,2011年; Tanno在J.Math.Soc.Jpn.30(3):509-531,1978年; Tashiro在Trans.Am (Math。Soc。117:251–275,1965),我们找到了一些必要的条件,使得以$ \ widetilde {M} ^ {2m + 1}(\ epsilon)$等距于欧几里得空间$ \ mathbb {R} ^ {n} $或完全流形N和欧几里得空间$ \ mathbb {R} $的翘积。