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“Run, Hide, Tell” or “Run, Hide, Fight”? The impact of diverse public guidance about marauding terrorist firearms attacks on behavioral intentions during a scenario-based experiment in the United Kingdom and Denmark
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102278
Lasse Lindekilde , Julia Pearce , David Parker , Brooke Rogers

Effective risk communication is an integral part of responding to terrorism, but public guidance about marauding terrorist firearms attacks is inconsistent. Following terrorist attacks involving mass shootings in Paris, France in November 2015, the UK police released a ‘Stay Safe’ film and leaflet that advises the public to ‘Run, Hide, Tell’ in the event of a firearms or weapons attack. However, in 2018 the Norwegian security authorities released different guidance, advising the public to ‘Run’, ‘Hide’, and if no other choice ‘Fight’. While it is possible that following guidance to ‘fight’ may have saved lives during the 2019 Bærum mosque attack, this advice may also encourage risky behaviours. Conversely, current UK guidance has been shown to encourage protective behaviours but may also discourage people from taking action that could minimize the overall number of casualties. The purpose of the research presented here was to assess the degree to which the different guidance encourages protective behavioral reactions and discourages potentially dangerous actions. This was investigated using a cross-country comparative survey experiment (n = 5285) that employed two scenarios (based on proximity of attacker). The results show that both sets of guidance increase the likelihood of protective behaviors compared to a no guidance condition. However, while there is no evidence of the ‘Run, Hide, Fight’ guidance leading to unwarranted ‘heroism’, we find evidence that the ‘Run, Hide, Tell’ message may lead to increased likelihood of passivity in situations where more pro-active reactions would be beneficial.



有效的风险沟通是应对恐怖主义的重要组成部分,但公众对劫持恐怖分子枪支袭击的指导意见并不一致。在2015年11月发生在法国巴黎的大规模枪击恐怖袭击之后,英国警方发布了“保持安全”电影和传单,建议公众在枪支或武器袭击时“逃跑,躲藏,告诉”。但是,2018年,挪威安全当局发布了不同的指南,建议公众``奔跑'',``躲藏'',如果没有其他选择,则建议``战斗''。尽管遵循``打架''指南可能在2019年巴鲁姆清真寺袭击中挽救了生命,但该建议也可能鼓励冒险行为。反过来,英国目前的指南已被证明可以鼓励保护性行为,但也可能阻止人们采取行动,将伤亡总数降至最低。这里提出的研究的目的是评估不同指导意见在多大程度上鼓励了保护性的行为反应并阻止了潜在的危险行为。使用跨国家比较调查实验(n = 5285)对此进行了调查,该实验采用了两种方案(基于攻击者的接近程度)。结果表明,与无指导条件相比,两组指导均增加了保护行为的可能性。但是,虽然没有证据表明“奔跑,躲藏,战斗”指南会导致不必要的“英雄主义”,但我们发现有证据表明,“奔跑,躲藏,战斗,
