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Age constraints on surface deformation recorded by fossil shorelines at Cape Range, Western Australia
GSA Bulletin ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-01 , DOI: 10.1130/b35564.1
Michael R. Sandstrom 1 , Michael J. O’Leary 2 , Milo Barham 3 , Yue Cai 1 , E. Troy Rasbury 4 , Kathleen M. Wooton 4 , Maureen E. Raymo 1

Laterally continuous terraces along the western flank of Cape Range, Western Australia, record both past sea-level highstands and postdepositional vertical displacement. Four distinct fossil coral reef terraces extend nearly the entire length of the slowly uplifting anticlinal structure (∼100 km), enabling documentation of the timing and degree of deformation-induced elevation contamination of past sea-level estimates from fossil shorelines. Here, we present detailed elevations of the four terraces using differential global positioning system (DGPS) and airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data sets, along with new ages for the three upper terraces. Geochemical dating using strontium isotope stratigraphy techniques revealed, from highest to lowest elevation: a late Miocene reef terrace, a late Pliocene shoreline, and a prominent mid-Pleistocene reef terrace (probably associated with the marine oxygen isotope stage 33–31 interglacial), along with a broad last interglacial (Eemian) reef terrace and lagoon, which terminate at the modern shoreline. Laterally variable elevation data integrated with newly defined ages for the terraces demonstrate a gradual and continuous relative deformation in the region that spans at least the last 6.5 m.y. and constrains the emergence of the Cape Range to sometime prior to the late Miocene. This data set also shows that the most recent interglacial shoreline has undergone <1.3 m of vertical warping, suggesting minimal deformation since deposition. By tracing relative uplift rates over multiple terraces for ∼100 km of coastline, we placed constraints on maximum relative sea level (RSL) for the older terraces. Most notably, we were able to place strict maximum RSL elevations of <+34 m on the Pliocene terrace and <+16.5 m on the mid-Pleistocene terrace, with probable RSL being somewhat lower.



西澳大利亚州海角山脉西侧的横向连续阶地既记录了过去的海平面,又记录了沉积后的垂直位移。四个不同的化石珊瑚礁阶地几乎延伸了缓慢隆起的背斜构造的整个长度(约100公里),从而能够记录化石海岸线过去的海平面估计值引起的变形引起的高程污染的时间和程度。在这里,我们介绍了使用差分全球定位系统(DGPS)和机载光检测和测距(LiDAR)数据集的四个阶地的详细标高,以及三个上部阶地的新年龄。使用锶同位素地层学技术进行的地球化学测年显示,从最高海拔到最低海拔:中新世晚期礁阶,上新世晚期海岸线,以及一个显着的中更新世礁阶(可能与海洋氧同位素阶段33-31间冰期有关),以及一个宽大的最后冰间(艾美纪)礁阶和泻湖,它们终止于现代海岸线。横向变化的高程数据与梯田的新定义年龄相结合,表明该地区至少持续了6.5 my的区域逐渐发生了连续的相对变形,并将开普山脉的出现限制在中新世晚期之前。该数据集还显示,最近的冰间期海岸线发生了<1.3 m的垂直翘曲,表明自沉积以来的变形最小。通过追踪约100 km海岸线上多个阶地的相对上升速率,我们对较旧阶地的最大相对海平面(RSL)进行了限制。最为显着地,