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The potential of temporary shelters to increase survival of the endangered Mexican axolotl
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-30 , DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3520
Alejandra G. Ramos 1, 2 , Horacio Mena‐González 1 , Luis Zambrano 1

  1. Amphibian populations worldwide are in decline. Proactive conservation techniques such as translocations into created and restored wetlands have gained popularity in recent years but may fail owing to high predation and low environmental adaptability.
  2. The Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), affected by rapid urbanization, is now possibly extinct in the wild despite millions living in captivity throughout the world.
  3. The aim of this study was to explore whether ponds from an artificial wetland can function as temporary shelters for a viable population of axolotls that could be re-introduced into their native ecosystem in Xochimilco once it is restored.
  4. Egg-laying and hatching of 11 unique axolotl pairs placed into reproductive enclosures and larval survival to 7 weeks and up to 12 months were examined. Physicochemical and biological parameters were estimated and compared among ponds.
  5. The results from this study are encouraging as they suggest that two ponds have adequate conditions for axolotls to reproduce and for larvae and juveniles to survive.



  1. 全世界的两栖动物数量都在下降。近年来,主动保护技术(例如易位到已创建和恢复的湿地)越来越受欢迎,但由于捕食率高和环境适应性低,可能会失败。
  2. 受快速城市化影响的墨西哥蝾螈(Ambystoma mexicanum)现在可能在野外灭绝,尽管全世界有数百万人被圈养。
  3. 这项研究的目的是探索人工湿地的池塘是否可以作为可行的蝾螈种群的临时庇护所,一旦恢复,它们可以重新引入霍奇米尔科的原生生态系统。
  4. 检查了 11 对独特的蝾螈对的产卵和孵化,并检查了它们的幼虫存活时间长达 7 周和长达 12 个月。估计和比较池塘之间的物理化学和生物参数。
  5. 这项研究的结果令人鼓舞,因为它们表明两个池塘为蝾螈繁殖以及幼虫和幼鱼的生存提供了足够的条件。