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Mean and Seasonal Circulation of the Eastern Chukchi Sea From Moored Timeseries in 2013–2014
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-30 , DOI: 10.1029/2020jc016863
Fei Tian 1 , Robert S. Pickart 2 , Peigen Lin 2 , Astrid Pacini 2 , G.W.K. Moore 3 , Phyllis Stabeno 4 , Thomas Weingartner 5 , Motoyo Itoh 6 , Takashi Kikuchi 6 , Elizabeth Dobbins 5 , Shaun Bell 4, 7 , Rebecca A. Woodgate 8 , Seth L. Danielson 5 , Zhaomin Wang 1

From late‐summer 2013 to late‐summer 2014, a total of 20 moorings were maintained on the eastern Chukchi Sea shelf as part of five independent field programs. This provided the opportunity to analyze an extensive set of timeseries to obtain a broad view of the mean and seasonally varying hydrography and circulation over the course of the year. Year‐long mean bottom temperatures reflected the presence of the strong coastal circulation pathway, while mean bottom salinities were influenced by polynya/lead activity along the coast. The timing of the warm water appearance in spring/summer is linked to advection along the various flow pathways. The timing of the cold water appearance in fall/winter was not reflective of advection nor related to the time of freeze‐up. Near the latitude of Barrow Canyon, the cold water was accompanied by freshening. A one‐dimensional mixed‐layer model demonstrates that wind mixing, due to synoptic storms, overturns the water column resulting in the appearance of the cold water. The loitering pack ice in the region, together with warm southerly winds, melted ice and provided an intermittent source of fresh water that was mixed to depth according to the model. Farther north, the ambient stratification prohibits wind‐driven overturning, hence the cold water arrives from the south. The circulation during the warm and cold months of the year is different in both strength and pattern. Our study highlights the multitude of factors involved in setting the seasonal cycle of hydrography and circulation on the Chukchi shelf.



从2013年夏末到2014年夏末,作为五个独立的野外计划的一部分,在楚科奇海东部陆架总共维护了20个系泊设备。这提供了分析大量时间序列的机会,从而获得一年中平均和季节性变化的水文和环流的广阔视野。一年的平均底部温度反映了强烈的沿海环流路径的存在,而平均底部盐度则受沿岸的多年生植物/铅活动的影响。春季/夏季暖水出现的时间与沿各种流动路径的平流有关。秋冬季出现冷水的时间既不反映平流,也不与冻结时间有关。在巴罗峡谷(Barrow Canyon)纬度附近,冷水伴有新鲜感。一维混合层模型表明,由于天气风暴,风的混合会使水柱翻转,从而导致冷水的出现。该地区的零散冰块,加上温暖的南风,融化了冰块,并提供了断续的淡水源,根据模型将其混合到一定深度。在更北的地方,周围的分层禁止风倾覆,因此冷水从南方进入。一年中温暖和寒冷月份的循环强度和样式都不同。我们的研究着重指出了影响楚科奇陆架水文学和水循环的季节性周期的众多因素。翻转水柱,导致出现冷水。该地区的零散冰块,加上温暖的南风,融化了冰块,并提供了断续的淡水源,根据模型将其混合到一定深度。在更北的地方,周围的分层禁止风倾覆,因此冷水从南方进入。一年中温暖和寒冷月份的循环强度和样式都不同。我们的研究着重指出了影响楚科奇陆架水文学和水循环的季节性周期的众多因素。翻转水柱,导致出现冷水。该地区的零散冰块,加上温暖的南风,融化了冰块,并提供了断续的淡水源,根据模型将其混合到一定深度。在更北的地方,周围的分层禁止风倾覆,因此冷水从南方进入。一年中温暖和寒冷月份的循环强度和样式都不同。我们的研究着重指出了影响楚科奇陆架水文学和水循环的季节性周期的众多因素。周围的分层禁止风倾覆,因此冷水从南方进入。一年中温暖和寒冷月份的循环强度和样式都不同。我们的研究着重指出了影响楚科奇陆架水文学和水循环的季节性周期的众多因素。周围的分层禁止风倾覆,因此冷水从南方进入。一年中温暖和寒冷月份的循环强度和样式都不同。我们的研究着重指出了影响楚科奇陆架水文学和水循环的季节性周期的众多因素。