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Testing the persistence of Carcharodontosauridae (Theropoda) in the Upper Cretaceous of Patagonia based on dental evidence
Cretaceous Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104875
J.G. Meso , R.D. Juárez Valieri , J.D. Porfiri , S.A.S. Correa , A.G. Martinelli , G.A. Casal , J.I. Canudo , F. Poblete , D. Dos Santos

The deposits corresponding to the Upper Cretaceous Neuquén and San Jorge Gulf basins from northern and central Patagonia have provided two of the most complete sequences of terrestrial vertebrate faunas of all Gondwanan landmasses. Among the carnivorous components, the carcharodontosaurid theropods appeared as common elements during the Early Cretaceous and the earliest Late Cretaceous in northern and central Patagonia. Although recorded mostly in the lower Turonian, isolated teeth suggest their presence in younger strata in northern and central Patagonia, reaching the clade in the region as late as the early Maastrichtian. Here, we verify the assignment of such isolated teeth previously identified as belonging to Carcharodontosauridae from the Upper Cretaceous strata of northern and central Patagonia. Using three different methods, namely a cladistic analysis performed on a dentition-based data matrix, and discriminant and cluster analyses conducted on a large dataset of theropod crown measurements, we assign a tooth from Candeleros Formation to carcharodontosaurid theropods and teeth from Cerro Lisandro, Bajo Barreal, Portezuelo, Plottier and Allen formations to abelisaurid theropods. These new reappraisals provide additional evidence about the extinction of Carcharodontosauridae in South America at about the late Turonian–earliest Coniacian as part of a general faunistic turnover event, with the last clear evidence of this lineage in Patagonia coming from the early–middle Turonian.



对应于来自巴塔哥尼亚北部和中部的上白垩统内乌肯和圣豪尔赫湾盆地的沉积物提供了所有冈瓦纳大陆陆块中两个最完整的陆生脊椎动物群序列。在肉食性成分中,在巴塔哥尼亚北部和中部的早白垩世和最早的晚白垩世时期,鲨齿龙类兽脚亚目作为常见元素出现。虽然主要记录在图伦阶下部,但孤立的牙齿表明它们存在于巴塔哥尼亚北部和中部的年轻地层中,直到马斯特里赫特早期才到达该地区的进化枝。在这里,我们验证了先前被确定为属于来自巴塔哥尼亚北部和中部上白垩统地层的鲨齿龙科的这种孤立牙齿的分配。使用三种不同的方法,即对基于牙列的数据矩阵进行的分支分析,以及对大型兽脚亚目冠测量数据集进行的判别和聚类分析,我们将 Candeleros Formation 的一颗牙齿分配给 Carcharodontosaurud 兽脚类恐龙,以及来自 Cerro Lisandro、Bajo Barreal、Portezuelo、Plottier 的牙齿和 Allen 地层到 abelisaurid 兽脚亚目。这些新的重新评估提供了额外的证据,证明南美洲的鲨齿龙科大约在土伦纪晚期 – 最早的柯尼亚斯纪时灭绝,作为一般动物学更替事件的一部分,巴塔哥尼亚的这一谱系的最后明确证据来自土伦纪早期 – 中期。我们将 Candeleros 组的一颗牙齿分配给了鲨齿龙兽脚亚目恐龙,将 Cerro Lisandro、Bajo Barreal、Portezuelo、Plottier 和 Allen 地层的牙齿分配给 abelisaurud 兽脚亚目。这些新的重新评估提供了更多证据,证明南美洲的腕龙科(Carcharodontosauridae)大约在土伦时代晚期至最早的科尼亚纪时期灭绝,这是一般性泛滥周转事件的一部分,而在巴塔哥尼亚的这一世系的最后证据清楚地来自于土伦早期至中部。我们将 Candeleros 组的一颗牙齿分配给了鲨齿龙兽脚亚目恐龙,将 Cerro Lisandro、Bajo Barreal、Portezuelo、Plottier 和 Allen 地层的牙齿分配给 abelisaurud 兽脚亚目。这些新的重新评估提供了更多证据,证明南美洲的腕龙科(Carcharodontosauridae)大约在土伦时代晚期至最早的科尼亚纪时期灭绝,这是一般性泛滥周转事件的一部分,而在巴塔哥尼亚的这一世系的最后证据清楚地来自于土伦早期至中部。
