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Small-scale spatial distributions of long-finned pilot whales change over time, but foraging hot spots are consistent: Significance for marine wildlife tourism management
Marine Mammal Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-29 , DOI: 10.1111/mms.12821
Sarah McComb‐Turbitt 1 , Joana Costa 2 , Hal Whitehead 2 , Marie Auger‐Méthé 3

Data collected opportunistically aboard marine wildlife tourism vessels are an inexpensive source of spatial information on the target species. Although these data are often challenging to analyze, they can be used to monitor spatiotemporal changes in species distribution and behavior. Disruptions from whale-watching vessels to behaviors such as foraging can be particularly harmful to cetaceans, but impacts could be reduced if areas essential for these sensitive behaviors are identified. We used data collected onboard whale-watching vessels to explore space-use patterns in long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) off northern Cape Breton Island, Canada, an area where tourism is essential. Encounters with pilot whales between 2011–2016 occurred twice as far offshore than during 2003–2006 and 2008, and foraging activity decreased. Despite the changes in distribution and activity budgets, we identified two hot spots of foraging activity that persisted through time. These identified foraging hot spots comprised only a small proportion (20 km2) of the range used by whale-watching vessels. Adaptive local management (e.g., voluntary codes of conduct) focused on limiting interactions in these energetically important areas may help reduce any potential impacts from whale-watching and promote the continued viability of the whale population and the tourism industry that relies on it.



在海洋野生动物旅游船上随机收集的数据是目标物种空间信息的廉价来源。尽管这些数据通常难以分析,但它们可用于监测物种分布和行为的时空变化。从观鲸船到觅食等行为的中断可能对鲸类动物特别有害,但如果确定对这些敏感行为至关重要的区域,影响可能会减少。我们使用在观鲸船上收集的数据来探索长鳍领航鲸(Globicephala melas) 加拿大布雷顿角岛北部,该地区是旅游业必不可少的地区。2011-2016 年与领航鲸相遇的距离是 2003-2006 年和 2008 年期间的两倍,觅食活动减少了。尽管分布和活动预算发生了变化,但我们确定了两个持续存在的觅食活动热点。这些已确定的觅食热点仅占观鲸船使用范围的一小部分(20 公里2)。适应性地方管理(例如,自愿行为准则)侧重于限制这些充满活力的重要领域的互动,可能有助于减少观鲸带来的任何潜在影响,并促进鲸鱼种群和依赖它的旅游业的持续生存能力。