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Magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) flow analysis with mixed convection moves through a stretching surface
Aip Advances ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01 , DOI: 10.1063/5.0047213
F. S. Bayones 1 , Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar 2 , Kashif Ali Khan 3 , Nauman Raza 4 , Nahed S. Hussien 5 , M. S. Osman 5, 6 , Kholod M. Abualnaja 6

The objective of this work is to analyze the impact of magneto-hydrodynamics flow across a stretching layer in the existing magnetic sector. The classifying boundary layer equations are converted to a set of non-linear equations by taking advantage of similarity structures. The transformed scheme is mathematically resolved by the homotopy analysis method. Results are measured numerically and plotted graphically for velocity and temperature distribution. Furthermore, flow and heat transfer effects for different physical parameters such as the stretching parameter, mixed convection parameter, magnetic parameter, heat generation coefficient, and Prandtl number are analyzed. Some physical effects reveal that an increase in the Hartmann number raises the fluid’s boundary layer that shows the reverse phenomena of Lorentz force because the speed of the free stream transcends the stretching surface. Upon verifying the homology of the current study with some past investigations, a good harmony is revealed. The velocity of the fluid flow was initially considered to be an increasing function of heat generation, buoyancy parameter, and magnetic field strength, but it later revealed as a decreasing function of the Prandtl number.


