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Covid Conversations 2: Anne Bogart
New Theatre Quarterly ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-29 , DOI: 10.1017/s0266464x21000014
Anne Bogart , Maria Shevtsova

Maintaining and nurturing an ensemble theatre have been Anne Bogart’s foremost concerns in these past near-thirty years since she and Tadashi Suzuki founded the Saratoga International Theatre Institute (SITI) in 1992. Suzuki had established the Suzuki Company of Toga (SCOT) in 1976, making a secluded mountainous landscape of Japan its home to this day. Bogart’s venture in the United States, although inspired by Suzuki’s model of a production-based troupe of high artistic standards that, at the same time, developed its unique training methods, by no means merely duplicates its predecessor. In this Covid Conversation, Bogart briefly maps a segment of SITI’s history, reflecting on the company’s inter-arts endeavours with differing dance idioms and its engagement with Greek tragedy. She discusses the effects of the Covid pandemic on her troupe, also interrupting its performances of The Bacchae at the Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis. Her most recent opera production, Tristan and Isolde, was closed for the same reason at the Croatian National Theatre – a key work in her portfolio of nineteenth-century grand opera as well as contemporary avant-garde opera. An acclaimed theatre director, Anne Bogart runs and teaches the Graduate Directing Programme at Columbia University in New York. At the SITI summer school in Saratoga, she and the company have workshopped the Viewpoints method that she has elaborated from Mary Overlie’s six principles for theatre and dance training. Bogart’s international workshops have further developed her method. She is the author of A Director Prepares (Routledge, 2001) and of many influential books that include (with Tina Landau) The Viewpoints Book (Theatre Communications Group, 2004). The Art of Resonance is forthcoming (2021, Bloomsbury). Maria Shevtsova is the Editor of New Theatre Quarterly whose most recent book is Rediscovering Stanislavsky (Cambridge University Press, 2020). The following conversation took place on 27 August 2020, was transcribed by Kunsang Kelden, and was edited by Maria Shevtsova. It is followed by a short coda announcing the transition of SITI into a resource centre.


Covid 对话 2:安妮·鲍嘉

自 1992 年和铃木忠志创立萨拉托加国际戏剧学院 (SITI) 以来,安妮·鲍嘉 (Anne Bogart) 在过去近 30 年里一直关注和培养一个整体剧院。铃木于 1976 年成立了铃木 Toga 公司 (SCOT),直到今天,日本僻静的山地景观成为了家园。鲍嘉在美国的冒险虽然受到铃木高艺术水准的以制作为基础的剧团模式的启发,同时发展了其独特的训练方法,但绝不只是复制其前身。在这次 Covid 对话中,Bogart 简要描绘了 SITI 的一段历史,反映了该公司在不同舞蹈成语方面的跨艺术努力及其与希腊悲剧的接触。她讨论了 Covid 大流行对她的剧团的影响,酒神在明尼阿波利斯的格思里剧院。她最近的歌剧作品,特里斯坦和伊索尔德,由于同样的原因在克罗地亚国家剧院关闭——这是她在 19 世纪大歌剧和当代前卫歌剧作品中的关键作品。作为一位著名的戏剧导演,安妮·鲍嘉在纽约哥伦比亚大学主持和教授研究生导演课程。在萨拉托加的 SITI 暑期学校,她和该公司已经讨论了她从 Mary Overlie 的戏剧和舞蹈训练六项原则中阐述的观点方法。Bogart 的国际研讨会进一步发展了她的方法。她是作者董事准备(Routledge,2001 年)以及许多有影响力的书籍,其中包括(与 Tina Landau 合着)观点书(剧院传播集团,2004 年)。共振的艺术即将出版(2021 年,布卢姆斯伯里)。Maria Shevtsova 是新剧场季刊他最近的一本书是重新发现斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基(剑桥大学出版社,2020 年)。以下对话发生在 2020 年 8 月 27 日,由 Kunsang Kelden 转录,由 Maria Shevtsova 编辑。紧随其后的是宣布 SITI 转变为资源中心的简短结尾。