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“Celestial Epicurisme”: John Locke and the Anglican language of pleasure, 1650–1697
The Seventeenth Century ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-29 , DOI: 10.1080/0268117x.2021.1904275
Jacob Donald Chatterjee 1


This article presents a new understanding of how Anglican clergymen and writers remoulded common notions of the moral status of pleasure during the latter half of the seventeenth century. It addresses the current historiographical neglect of the philosophical content of ethical thought within the Church of England. For Anglican thinkers developed innovative moral arguments about the rational order of human satisfactions in order to direct the disruptive appetites towards good ends. This article illustrates the conceptual trajectory of this ethical discourse by comparing John Locke’s developing moral ideas with those of Robert South, Public Orator at Oxford after 1660, and Samuel Parker, Bishop of Oxford after 1686. For the course of Locke’s shifting ethical thought reflected a philosophical movement within an Anglican language of pleasure, from South’s moderate position – that pleasure was a significant good among other ends – to Parker’s radical stance – that goodness was reducible to that which was delightful.




本文提出了对 17 世纪下半叶圣公会神职人员和作家如何重塑快乐的道德地位的普遍观念的新理解。它解决了当前在英国国教内部对伦理思想的哲学内容的历史学忽视。对于英国国教的思想家来说,为了将破坏性的欲望引向美好的目标,他们就人类满足的理性秩序提出了创新的道德论点。本文通过比较约翰·洛克发展中的道德观念与 1660 年后牛津公共演说家罗伯特·索斯和 1686 年后牛津主教塞缪尔·帕克的道德观念,阐明了这一伦理话语的概念轨迹。英国国教快乐语言中的哲学运动,
