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Septic pericarditis caused by a migrating grass awn in a cat
Journal of Veterinary Cardiology ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jvc.2021.04.006
K Denroche 1 , P R Fox 2 , J Prittie 1 , C Crecraft 1

Septic pericarditis and cardiac tamponade associated with migrating grass awn foreign bodies is reported rarely in companion animals. We report such a case in a previously healthy, 9-year-old, neutered female, indoor–outdoor, domestic long-hair cat who presented for acute tachypnea. Large volume pericardial effusion and pericardial tamponade was identified by thoracic-focused assessment with sonography. Following removal of 108 mL of purulent pericardial effusion by pericardiocentesis, the cat improved. Cytologic examination of pericardial fluid demonstrated septic, suppurative inflammation, Pasteurella sp. was cultured from pericardial effusion, and antibiotics were administered. Subsequent echocardiographic examination revealed large volume pericardial effusion, pericardial thickening, and a linear foreign body within the pericardial space. Whole-body computed tomography confirmed pericardial thickening, pericardial, and pleural effusion. A 16-mm long grass awn was identified within the pericardial space during thoracic exploratory surgery performed through a median sternotomy. Successful foreign body removal and subtotal pericardiectomy was accomplished. Histopathology of pericardial tissue disclosed chronic pericarditis with lymphoplasmacytic-to-pyogranulomatous inflammation, and transmural presence of grass awn foreign body. The cat responded to supportive therapy and was discharged 4 days postoperatively. When examined 3 weeks later, the cat appeared healthy with normal appetite. The cat remained healthy as of this writing, 487 days following surgery. To the author's knowledge, this is the first report in the cat of septic pericarditis and cardiac tamponade resulting from a migrating grass awn foreign body.



与迁移的草芒异物相关的败血性心包炎和心包填塞在伴侣动物中的报道很少。我们报告了这样一例先前健康的 9 岁绝育雌性室内室外长毛家猫,因急性呼吸急促就诊。大量心包积液和心包填塞是通过超声检查以胸腔为重点的评估来确定的。通过心包穿刺术去除 108 mL 的化脓性心包积液后,猫的情况有所好转。心包液细胞学检查显示脓毒症、化脓性炎症、巴氏杆菌sp. 从心包积液中培养,并给予抗生素。随后的超声心动图检查显示大量心包积液、心包增厚和心包腔内有线性异物。全身计算机断层扫描证实心包增厚、心包和胸腔积液。在通过正中胸骨切开术进行的胸腔探查手术期间,在心包间隙内发现了一个 16 毫米长的草芒。成功取出异物和次全心包切除术。心包组织的组织病理学显示慢性心包炎伴有淋巴浆细胞至脓性肉芽肿性炎症,以及透壁存在的草芒异物。猫对支持治疗有反应,术后 4 天出院。3周后检查时,这只猫看起来很健康,食欲正常。在撰写本文时,这只猫在手术后 487 天保持健康。据作者所知,这是该猫因草芒异物迁移引起的感染性心包炎和心包填塞的首例报告。
