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Reconciling behavioral, bioenergetic, and oceanographic views of bowhead whale predation on overwintering copepods at an Arctic hotspot (Disko Bay, Greenland)
Frontiers in Marine Science ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-28 , DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.614582
Neil S. Banas , Eva Friis Møller , Kristin L. Laidre , Malene Simon , Ingrid H. Ellingsen , Torkel Gissel Nielsen

Bowhead whales (\textit{Balaena mysticetus}) visit Disko Bay, West Greenland in winter and early spring to feed on \textit{Calanus} spp., at a time of year when the copepods are still mostly in diapause and concentrated in near-bottom patches. Combining past observations of copepod abundance and distribution with detailed observations of bowhead whale foraging behaviour from telemetry suggests that if the whales target the highest-density patches, they likely consume 26--75\% of the \textit{Calanus} standing stock annually. A parallel bioenergetic calculation further suggests that the whales’ patch selection must be close to optimally efficient at finding hotspots of high density copepods near the sea floor in order for foraging in Disko Bay to be a net energetic gain. Annual \textit{Calanus} consumption by bowhead whales is similar to median estimates of consumption by each of three zooplankton taxa (jellies, chaetognaths, and predatory copepods), and much greater than the median estimate of consumption by fish larvae, as derived from seasonal abundance and specific ingestion rates from the literature. The copepods’ self-concentration during diapause, far from providing a refuge from predation, is the behaviour that makes this strong trophic link possible. Because the grazing impact of the whales comes 6--10 months later than the annual peak in primary production, and because Disko Bay sits at the end of rapid advective pathways (here delineated by a simple numerical particle-tracking experiment), it is likely that these \textit{Calanus} populations act in part as a long-distance energetic bridge between the whales and primary production hundreds or thousands of km away.



弓头鲸(\ textit {Balaena mysticetus})于冬季和早春访问西格陵兰的迪斯科湾,以\ textit {Calanus}物种为食,当时co足类动物大部分仍处于滞育状态,并集中在附近。底部的补丁。结合过去对co足类的丰富度和分布的观察与对遥测弓头鲸觅食行为的详细观察的结果表明,如果鲸鱼针对密度最高的斑块,则它们可能每年消耗\ textit {Calanus}常规种群的26--75%。并行的生物能计算进一步表明,鲸鱼的斑块选择必须在寻找海底附近的高密度co足类热点时接近最佳效率,以便在迪斯科湾觅食是一种净能量增长。bow鱼的年\ textit {Calanus}消费量与三种浮游动物类群(果冻,乳头象和掠食性pe足类)的消费量的中位数估计值相近,并且远大于鱼类幼虫的消费量中值估计值(由季节性得出)文献中的丰度和具体摄入率。di足动物在滞育过程中的自我集中力并没有为躲避掠夺提供庇护,而是使这种牢固的营养联系成为可能的行为。因为鲸鱼的放牧影响比初级生产的年度高峰晚了6--10个月,并且因为迪斯科湾位于快速对流路径的末端(此处通过简单的数值颗粒追踪实验进行描述),