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Berberis burruyacuensis O. R. Dantur, S. Radice, E. Giordani, A. Papini sp. nov. (Berberidaceae): a new species
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s10722-020-01096-y
M. Gori , S. Biricolti , S. Pedrazzani , E. Giordani , A. Papini , O. R. Dantur , M. E. Arena , S. Radice

A new species of Berberis L. from the region of Tucumán (Argentina), locally known as “sacha mikuna”, was described as Berberis burruyacuensis. The phylogenetic position was evaluated with ITS DNA sequences, particularly with respect to Berberis mikuna Job and other Berberis species of West-South America. The autonomy of the species, beyond the observed morphological and phenological traits, was confirmed through high maximum likelihood bootstrap values and bayesian support. Moreover, a 3 nucleotides insertion, together with two transversions and one transition, characterizes B. burruyacuensis ITS1 DNA region with respect to the rest of the species of the genus. B. burruyacuensis clustered in a very interesting position, that is as an outgroup to the rest of the South American species of Berberis. This position may suggest for this species the maintenance of relatively plesiomorphic characters with respect to the rest of the clade.


小ber burruyacuensis或Dantur,S.Radice,E.Giordani,A.Papini sp。十一月 (小ber科):一个新物种

一新种小檗L.从图库曼(阿根廷)的区域中,当地称为“萨沙mikuna”,被描述为小檗burruyacuensis。系统发育位置用ITS DNA序列进行评价,特别是关于小檗mikuna工作和其它小檗西南美洲的物种。通过观察到的最大似然自举值和贝叶斯支持,可以确认该物种的自治性,而不是所观察到的形态学和物候特性。此外,相对于该属的其余种而言,插入3个核苷酸以及两个颠换和一个转变来表征布氏芽孢杆菌ITS1 DNA区域。burruyacuensis B.在一个非常有趣的位置上光彩照人,与其他南美小of种相比,它是一个绝种对于该物种,该位置可能暗示相对于进化枝的其余部分保持相对多态的特征。
