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Generation Z: Cyber-Attack Awareness Training Effectiveness
Journal of Computer Information Systems ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-28 , DOI: 10.1080/08874417.2020.1864680
Garry White 1


This paper is exploratory research to 1) provide insight into how Generation Z, the cyber tech generation (born after 1990), will deal with a catastrophic cyber-attack, and 2) provide a foundation for future study with a general population. This paper examines the human dimensions: technical optimism, cyber optimistic bias, cyber self-efficacy, and general worry responses to a cyber-attack. This paper uses a revised “Stimulus-Organism-Response” theory to examine awareness of countermeasures after an attack as a method to overcome these human responses for Generation Z. This study failed to support the value and need for awareness of countermeasures “after” a catastrophic cyber-attack for Generation Z. Technical optimism and cyber self-efficacy decreased. However, reading countermeasures did not improve subjects’ optimism and self-efficacy after attack reading. Future research needs to look at a general population awareness training of countermeasures “before” a cyber-attack to see if it will over-ride the effect of a cyber-attack.




本文是探索性研究,旨在 1) 深入了解 Z 一代,即网络技术一代(出生于 1990 年之后)将如何应对灾难性的网络攻击,以及 2) 为未来的普通人群研究奠定基础。本文研究了人的维度:技术乐观、网络乐观偏见、网络自我效能和对网络攻击的一般担忧反应。本文使用修订后的“刺激-生物体-反应”理论来检验攻击后的对策意识,以此作为克服 Z 世代这些人类反应的方法。这项研究未能支持“在”攻击后对对策意识的价值和需求。 Z世代遭受灾难性网络攻击。技术乐观情绪和网络自我效能感下降。然而,阅读对策并没有提高被试在攻击性阅读后的乐观情绪和自我效能感。未来的研究需要着眼于在网络攻击“之前”对一般人群的对策意识培训,看看它是否会超越网络攻击的影响。
