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Papers of the British School at Rome ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-28 , DOI: 10.1017/s0068246221000027
Yeong-chei Kim

The extensive traces of Roman centuriation and its associated farms identified from aerial photographs near Lucera, ancient Luceria, in the plain of northern Apulia, have generally been attributed to the Gracchan agrarian reforms of the 130s/120s BC. However, the dating of these land divisions, on the basis of the excavation of the farms and centuriation roads by John Bradford and Barri Jones in 1949–50 and 1962–3, is of questionable reliability, and their work at Luceria was never properly published. This study reanalyses the scattered records and dating evidence from the excavation of seven farms of Bradford and Jones and three other sites surveyed by Bradford in the ager Lucerinus. This study argues that the farms and associated grids belong to Rome's establishment of a Latin colony at Luceria in 326 or 315/314 BC during the Second Samnite War, and that the farms were abandoned due to the Hannibalic War. This study therefore presents the earliest certain Roman centuriation for a colony, and it observes the devastating impact of Hannibal's invasion and prolonged occupation on landholding in southeastern Italy, which has been doubted in recent work on Italian agrarian history. In no other part of Italy does there exist a coherent group of nearby excavated small-scale farms, which provides new insight into Roman colonization in Apulia and the consequences of the Hannibalic War.



从普利亚北部平原古卢塞里亚卢塞拉附近的航空照片中发现的罗马百人队及其相关农场的广泛痕迹通常归因于公元前 130 年代/120 年代的格拉坎农业改革。然而,根据约翰·布拉德福德和巴里·琼斯在 1949-50 年和 1962-3 年对农场和百夫长道路的挖掘,这些土地划分的年代是值得怀疑的,他们在卢塞里亚的工作从未正确发表过. 这项研究重新分析了布拉德福德和琼斯的七个农场以及布拉德福德调查的其他三个地点的挖掘的零散记录和年代证据。老卢塞努斯. 本研究认为,这些农场和相关的网格属于罗马在第二次萨姆尼特战争期间于公元前 326 年或 315/314 年在卢塞里亚建立的拉丁殖民地,并且这些农场因汉尼拔战争而被废弃。因此,这项研究提出了最早的某个殖民地的罗马世纪,并观察到汉尼拔的入侵和长期占领对意大利东南部土地拥有的破坏性影响,这在最近关于意大利农业历史的工作中受到质疑。在意大利的其他地方,附近没有一个连贯的小型农场,这为罗马在阿普利亚的殖民化和汉尼拔战争的后果提供了新的见解。