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Development of a passive biped robot digital twin using analysis, experiments, and a multibody simulation environment
Mechanism and Machine Theory ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2021.104346
Christos Vasileiou , Aikaterini Smyrli , Anargyros Drogosis , Evangelos Papadopoulos

This paper presents a unified framework for the design and development of a passive biped robot and of its digital twin. A serial procedure is followed starting from the system's physical description, continuing to the dynamic analysis of independent models, and concluding with an experimental validation. The biped's mechanical model is tailored to preserve passive walker key functionalities without sacrificing design simplicity. The mechanical model gives rise to a mathematical model that describes the biped's gait, and to a multibody dynamics model of the biped. A passive biped robot prototype is developed based on the model. The prototype is equipped with a wireless sensor measuring system to enable data acquisition. The highlight of this work is the high degree of coincidence achieved between the passive response of the numerically simulated mathematical model, the response obtained by a multibody dynamics simulation, and the experimentally obtained response of the physical passive walking robot. This finding verifies the simulation methods used and encourages the use of a carefully designed digital twin in the design iterations involved in the development of walking robots.



