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Early Mesozoic crustal evolution in the NW segment of West Qinling, China: Evidence from diverse intermediate–felsic igneous rocks
Lithos ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106187
Hua-Nan Liu , Xiao-Wei Li , Xuan-Xue Mo , Ji-Feng Xu , Jia-Jun Liu , Guo-Chen Dong , Wei Shan , Yan Zhang , Kai Wang , Hong-Xia Yu

Continental convergent margins are commonly considered as significant sites for understanding crustal reworking and growth, but the geodynamic processes involving crustal growth remain highly debatable. Triassic intermediate–felsic intrusive rocks are widespread in the northwestern segment of the West Qinling orogenic belt on the NE Tibetan Plateau. These rocks well document the evolution of one branch of the Paleo-Tethys oceans (i.e., the A'nyemaqen Ocean) in East Asia. Here we present a comprehensive study of zircon Usingle bondPb and Lusingle bondHf isotopic data, along with whole-rock elemental and Srsingle bondNd isotopic data to decipher the origins of intermediate–felsic intrusions and crustal evolution of the West Qinling in the Triassic. Two episodes of magmatism were detected in this study, i.e., the early high-Mg diorite porphyry–granodiorite–granodiorite porphyry assemblage (Episode #1, ~244–230 Ma), followed by a later monzogranite–granodiorite–granite porphyry assemblage (Episode #2, ~228–203 Ma). These two episodes of magmatism are interpreted as products related to oceanic subduction and continental collision, respectively. In Episode #1, the mafic magmatic enclaves were mainly mantle-derived and were indicative of magma mixing. The high-Mg diorite porphyries were likely derived from partial melting of the mantle wedge metasomatized by sediment-derived melts, whereas the coeval granodiorites and granodiorite porphyries mainly originated from partial melting of amphibolites with significant addition of mantle-derived components. By contrast, the granodiorite porphyries in Episode #2 probably originated from the lower crust-sourced melts with insignificant mantle contribution. The contemporaneous granodiorites and monzogranites were generated by partial melting of the crustal amphibolites or metagreywackes. The proportion of positive zircon εHf(t) values decreased from Episode #1 to Episode #2, indicating a decreasing tendency of the mantle or juvenile component contribution. Our study suggests that the addition of mantle-derived magmas to the continental crust during oceanic subduction processes played an important role in crustal growth.
