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Good Things from Both Worlds and the Dilemmas They Pose: The Case of a Childcare Cooperative Movement in South Korea
Ethos ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-28 , DOI: 10.1111/etho.12288
Boomi Lee 1 , Soo‐Jung Lee 2

This article examines the educational practices of an alternative childcare institution, the Communal Childcare Cooperative (CCC), in South Korea, which consciously attempts to combine the good sides of the two worlds, those of a traditional Korea and those of the West. Based on ethnographic research in a branch of the institution, we pay particular attention to the dual educational goal for independence and relationality and their pedagogical corollary regarding peer dynamics. Through an ethnographic episode that illustrates the CCC educators’ efforts to realize the dual goal, we identify two major dilemmas with important ethnographic and theoretical implications: one about the socialization of independence and affective relationality, both derived from the cultural conception of mind-heart (maum), and the other about the socialization of sociality centering on the contrast between hierarchy and equality. [socialization, independence, affective relationality, peer dynamics, South Korea]



本文考察了韩国一家替代性儿童保育机构——社区儿童保育合作社 (CCC) 的教育实践,该机构有意识地尝试将传统韩国和西方两个世界的优点结合起来。基于该机构一个分支的民族志研究,我们特别关注独立性和关系性的双重教育目标及其关于同伴动态的教学推论。通过说明 CCC 教育者为实现双重目标所做的努力的民族志插曲,我们确定了具有重要民族志和理论意义的两个主要困境:一个是关于独立性和情感关系的社会化,两者都源自心-心的文化概念(毛姆),另一个是关于以等级与平等对比为中心的社会性社会化。[社会化、独立性、情感关系、同伴动态,韩国]