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Existence of solutions for a class of quasilinear Schrödinger equation with a Kirchhoff-type
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-27 , DOI: 10.1080/17476933.2021.1916918
Qi Zhang 1 , Die Hu 1

In this paper, we discuss the existence of multiple solutions of the generalized quasilinear Schrödinger equation of Kirchhoff-type (1+bR3g2(u)|u|2dx)[div(g2(u)u)+g(u)g(u)|u|2]+V(x)u=f(x,u),xR3 where b>0 is a parameter, gC1(R,R+). In preceding approaches, the order of the nonlinear term f(x,t) about t at infinity is usually supposed to be higher than |t|3. But in this paper, this condition is not necessary. Under weaker condition 0tf(x,s)dsμ|G(t)|rθ|G(t)|r1, where G(t) is the primitive function of g(t), 2<r<6, we get the existence of infinitely many solutions of the equation. Our work can be regarded as the extension of those such as [J. Zhang et al. Existence of multiple solutions of Kirchhoff type equation with sign-changing potential. Appl Math Comput. 2014;242:491–499] and related works.



在本文中,我们讨论了基尔霍夫型广义拟线性薛定谔方程的多重解的存在性(1+bR3G2()||2dX)[-div(G2())+G()G'()||2]+(X)=F(X,),XR3其中b > 0 是一个参数,GC1(R,R+). 在前面的方法中,非线性项的阶F(X,)大约在无穷远处的t通常应该高于||3. 但在本文中,这个条件不是必须的。在较弱的条件下0F(X,s)dsμ|G()|r-θ|G()|r-1, 在哪里G()是的原始函数G(),2<r<6,我们得到方程的无限多解的存在性。我们的工作可以看作是诸如[J. 张等人。具有变符号势的基尔霍夫型方程的多重解的存在性。应用数学计算。2014;242:491–499] 和相关著作。
