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A symmetry-preserving second-order time-accurate PISO-based method
Computers & Fluids ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2021.104979
E.M.J. Komen , J.A. Hopman , E.M.A. Frederix , F.X. Trias , R.W.C.P. Verstappen

A new conservative symmetry-preserving second-order time-accurate PISO-based pressure-velocity coupling for solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on unstructured collocated grids is presented in this paper. This new method for implicit time stepping is an extension of the conservative symmetry-preserving incremental-pressure projection method for explicit time stepping and unstructured collocated meshes of Trias et al. [35]. In order to assess and compare both methods, we have implemented them within one unified solver in the open source code OpenFOAM where we use a Butcher array to prescribe the Runge-Kutta method. Thus, by changing the entries of the Butcher array, explicit and diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta schemes can be combined into one solver. We assess the energy conservation properties of the implemented discretisation methods and the temporal consistency of the selected Runge-Kutta schemes using Taylor-Green vortex and lid-driven cavity flow test cases. Finally, we use a more complex turbulent channel flow test case in order to further assess the performance of the presented new conservative symmetry-preserving incremental-pressure PISO-based method.

Although both implemented methods are based on a symmetry-preserving discretisation, we show they still produce a small amount of numerical dissipation when the total pressure is directly solved from a Poisson equation. When an incremental-pressure approach is used, where a pressure correction is solved from a Poisson equation, both methods are effectively fully-conservative. For high-fidelity simulations of incompressible turbulent flows, it is highly desirable to use fully-conservative methods. For such simulations, the presented numerical methods are therefore expected to have large added value, since they pave the way for the execution of truly energy-conservative high-fidelity simulations in complex geometries. Furthermore, both methods are implemented in OpenFOAM, which is widely used within the CFD community, so that a large part of this community can benefit from the developed and implemented numerical methods.




