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A ~240 ka record of Ice Sheet and Ocean interactions on the Snorri Drift, SW of Iceland
Global and Planetary Change ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103498
J.T. Andrews , I.N. McCave , Jaia Syvitski

Core MD99-2323 was extracted from the Snorri Drift at a water depth of 1062 m, just south of the Denmark Strait, and ~120 km from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) margins of the Iceland and East Greenland Ice Sheets. The core chronology (~7.5 to 240 cal ka) is derived from radiocarbon dates, marker tephra, paleomagnetic excursion, and correlation with North Atlantic δ18O records on Neogloboquadrina pachyderma18ONp). Sedimentation averaged ~7.5 cm/kyr. Records of proxy flow speed, ice rafted debris (IRD) and oxygen isotopes show that many IRD abundance peaks represent winnowing of the fine fraction by faster flows rather than pulses of increased IRD flux. The overall pattern of flow speed does not resemble the classic fast interglacial/slow glacial pattern seen in records of Nordic Sea overflow, rather the current record is suggested to be partly controlled by the production of brine-driven gravity flows from adjacent ice fronts, especially during cold periods. On a smaller scale the usual glacial/slow – interglacial/fast pattern appears to be the case during ~5 kyr oscillations during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6 where periodic low flow speed is matched by high values of planktonic oxygen isotope ratios. Eight peaks in quartz wt% reflect increased contributions from glacial erosion of Precambrian and Caledonian bedrock from E and NE Greenland; peaks in dolomite may reflect glacial-marine transport from the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Cross wavelet analysis of the δ18ONp versus sortable silt and quartz records indicate significant precession and obliquity periodicities, but with little temporal correlations due to leads and lags in responses.


冰岛西南部的Snorri Drift上约有240 ka的冰盖与海洋相互作用的记录

MD99-2323岩心是从Snorri漂流中提取的,水深为1062 m,位于丹麦海峡以南,距冰岛和格陵兰冰原的最后冰川最大(LGM)边缘约120 km。芯年表(〜7.5至240 CAL KA)从放射性碳的日期,标记火山灰,古地磁偏移,和相关衍生自具有北大西洋δ 18个ö记录上Neogloboquadrina pachyderma(δ 18 ö Np个)。平均沉降为〜7.5 cm / kyr。代理流速,冰屑残骸(IRD)和氧同位素的记录表明,许多IRD丰度峰表示通过较快的流速而不是IRD通量增加的脉冲来吹扫细颗粒。整体流速的模式与北欧海溢流记录中所见的经典的快速冰间/慢冰河模式不同,建议将当前记录部分地控制于邻近冰面的盐水驱动重力流的产生,特别是在寒冷的时期。在较小的尺度上,海洋同位素阶段(MIS)6的〜5 kyr振荡期间似乎出现了通常的冰川/慢冰间期/快速模式,在这种情况下,周期性的低流速与浮游式氧同位素比的高值相匹配。石英wt%的八个峰值反映了E和NE格陵兰的前寒武纪和喀里多尼亚基岩的冰川侵蚀增加了贡献。白云岩中的峰值可能反映了Laurentide冰原的冰海运输。δ的交叉小波分析18 O Np与可分类的粉砂和石英记录表明旋进和倾角周期明显,但由于响应中的超前和滞后而与时间的相关性很小。
