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It Often Howls More than It Chugs: Wind versus Ship Noise under Water in Australia’s Maritime Regions
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-27 , DOI: 10.3390/jmse9050472
Christine Erbe , Renee P. Schoeman , David Peel , Joshua N. Smith

Marine soundscapes consist of cumulative contributions by diverse sources of sound grouped into: physical (e.g., wind), biological (e.g., fish), and anthropogenic (e.g., shipping)—each with unique spatial, temporal, and frequency characteristics. In terms of anthropophony, shipping has been found to be the greatest (ubiquitous and continuous) contributor of low-frequency underwater noise in several northern hemisphere soundscapes. Our aim was to develop a model for ship noise in Australian waters, which could be used by industry and government to manage marine zones, their usage, stressors, and potential impacts. We also modelled wind noise under water to provide context to the contribution of ship noise. The models were validated with underwater recordings from 25 sites. As expected, there was good congruence when shipping or wind were the dominant sources. However, there was less agreement when other anthropogenic or biological sources were present (i.e., primarily marine seismic surveying and whales). Off Australia, pristine marine soundscapes (based on the dominance of natural, biological and physical sound) remain, in particular, near offshore reefs and islands. Strong wind noise dominates along the southern Australian coast. Underwater shipping noise dominates only in certain areas, along the eastern seaboard and on the northwest shelf, close to shipping lanes.



海洋声景包括各种声音源的累积贡献,这些声源分为:物理(例如,风),生物(例如,鱼)和人为(例如,运输),每种声音都具有独特的空间,时间和频率特征。在人类学方面,已经发现航运是北半球几种声景中低频水下噪声的最大(普遍存在和连续性)贡献者。我们的目标是为澳大利亚水域的船舶噪声建立模型,工业界和政府可以使用该模型来管理海域,其使用,压力源和潜在影响。我们还对水下的风噪声进行了建模,以为船舶噪声的影响提供背景信息。该模型已通过25个地点的水下记录进行了验证。不出所料 当运输或风能成为主要来源时,会有很好的一致性。但是,在存在其他人为或生物来源(即主要是海洋地震勘测和鲸鱼)的情况下,达成的共识较少。在澳大利亚以外,原始海洋声景(基于自然,生物和物理声的优势)仍然存在,尤其是在近海珊瑚礁和岛屿附近。澳大利亚南部沿海地区主要是强风噪声。水下运输噪声仅在东部沿海和西北陆架的某些区域(靠近运输通道)占主导地位。生物和物理声音),尤其是在近海珊瑚礁和岛屿附近。澳大利亚南部沿海地区主要是强风噪声。水下运输噪声仅在东部沿海和西北陆架的某些区域(靠近运输通道)占主导地位。生物和物理声音),尤其是在近海珊瑚礁和岛屿附近。澳大利亚南部沿海地区主要是强风噪声。水下运输噪声仅在东部沿海和西北陆架的某些区域(靠近运输通道)占主导地位。