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Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic tectonothermal evolution of the North China Craton: Constraints from geological mapping and Th-U-Pb geochronology of zircon, titanite and monazite in Zanhuang Massif
Precambrian Research ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2021.106214
Deng Xiao , Wenbin Ning , Junpeng Wang , Timothy Kusky , Lu Wang , Hao Deng , Yating Zhong , Kang Jiang

The North China Craton (NCC) consists of Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic basement, with rare Eo-Paleoarchean crustal relicts. However, the Precambrian tectonothermal evolution of the Central Orogenic Belt (COB) of the NCC is still hotly debated. In this contribution, we present new results of field-based litho-structural analysis, Th-U-Pb geochronology of accessory minerals including zircon, titanite and monazite from paragneiss and marble in a passive margin sequence in the Zanhuang Massif of the COB. Field studies show that two generations of deformation events occurred in the Zanhuang Massif. The earlier deformation is widely distributed in the entire Zanhuang Massif and developed with a top-to-SE shear sense resulting in foliation of the micaschist, metavolcanic rock, marble and paragneiss. The latter deformation is locally occurred in the central Zanhuang Massif and developed with a top-to-SW shear sense represented by the faulting and folding events which are similar to the fold-and-thrust structures of accretionary wedge during the formation of Zanhuang mélange. Zircons from paragneiss yield single-peak age populations with mean ages of 2.52 and 2.51 Ga, and a metamorphic age of 1.84 Ga. Zircon ages from marble are divided into four groups including a main peak of 2.54 Ga, two older groups of 2.77–2.82 and 2.60–2.70 Ga, and a younger metamorphic age of 1.81 Ga. Titanites from paragneiss and marble yield mean metamorphic ages between 1.94 and 1.88 Ga, representing an earlier thermal event. Monazites from paragneiss yield an isochron age of 1.80 Ga, representing a later thermal event. Based on our new litho-structural observations and geochronological data, coupled with previous studies, we suggest that the paragneiss and marble from the marble-siliciclastic unit represent the passive margin sequence, and were mainly deposited at 2.51–2.50 Ga. In addition, the Zanhuang Massif has experienced two tectonothermal events at ca. 1.94–1.88 Ga and ca. 1.83–1.80 Ga, which are widely distributed in the entire NCC, but gradually become weaker from north to south.



华北克拉通(NCC)由新古纪到古元古代的基底组成,具有罕见的Eo-Paleoarchean地壳遗迹。然而,NCC中央造山带(COB)的前寒武纪构造热演化仍受到热烈讨论。在此贡献中,我们介绍了基于现场的岩石结构分析的新结果,即在COB赞皇断层带中以被动边缘序列从附石和大理石中选出的锆石,钛铁矿和独居石等辅助矿物的Th-U-Pb地质年代学。现场研究表明,在赞黄断块发生了两代变形事件。较早的变形广泛分布在整个赞黄山地中,并具有自顶向东南的剪切力,从而导致了云母片岩,超火山岩,大理石和帕拉尼戈斯的叶面化。后者的变形局部发生在赞煌断层中部,并具有由顶向西南的切变感,由断层和褶皱事件代表,类似于赞黄混杂岩形成过程中增生楔的褶皱-冲断构造。来自paragneiss的锆石产生的单峰年龄群体的平均年龄为2.52和2.51 Ga,变质年龄为1.84 Ga。大理石的锆石年龄分为四组,包括2.54 Ga主峰,两个较老的组2.77–2.82和2.60-2.70 Ga,更年轻的1.81 Ga变质年龄。石蜡和大理石产生的钛矿产生的平均变质年龄在1.94和1.88 Ga之间,表示较早的热事件。来自paragneiss的独居石的等时年龄为1.80 Ga,这代表了后来的热事件。根据我们新的岩石结构观测资料和年代学资料,再结合先前的研究,我们认为大理石-硅质碎屑岩单元中的石笋和大理石代表了被动边缘层序,并且主要沉积在2.51-2.50 Ga处。赞煌断层块在加利福尼亚州经历了两次构造热事件。1.94–1.88 Ga和约。1.83–1.80 Ga,在整个NCC中分布较广,但从北向南逐渐变弱。
