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Public health crises compounded: A high school equivalency context in the time of a pandemic
International Review of Education ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s11159-021-09889-8
Isaiah Zukowski 1 , Zachary Parker 2 , Daisy Shetterly 3 , Kimberly Valle 4

High school equivalency (HSE) is a recognised alternative to a high school diploma in the United States. It offers an opportunity to a range of disadvantaged adult learners such as school dropouts, refugees etc. to attain an educational certificate enabling them to move on in their life. This article presents an autoethnographic case study of a non-profit HSE programme in Philadelphia during the COVID-19 pandemic. The four authors of this article, all of them instructors on the front line of the youth crisis in adult education, explore the broader context of non-governmental organisation (NGO) management and privatised HSE exams. In their research and their reflections, they found that the pandemic exacerbated existing economic and social inequalities, with both pre-pandemic and current delivery of their HSE programme failing to address the survival needs of a population which has long been living in crisis. Juxtaposing relevant youth-in-crisis literature with narratives both from before the pandemic and whilst living through it, the authors of this article discuss the funding and institutional constraints around the environment in which they teach. Their case study sheds light on competing priorities within the non-profit education landscape, highlighting both pitfalls and successes in HSE curriculum and administration. The authors conclude that rapid adaptation to online teaching tools, platforms and products is not the panacea that many outcomes generators would like it to be.



高中同等学历 (HSE) 在美国是公认的高中文凭替代品。它为一系列处境不利的成年学习者(例如辍学、难民等)提供了获得教育证书的机会,使他们能够继续生活。本文介绍了 COVID-19 大流行期间费城的一项非营利 HSE 计划的自民族志案例研究。本文的四位作者都是成人教育青年危机前线的讲师,他们探讨了非政府组织 (NGO) 管理和私有化 HSE 考试的更广泛背景。在他们的研究和思考中,他们发现大流行加剧了现有的经济和社会不平等,大流行前和当前实施的 HSE 计划都未能满足长期生活在危机中的人群的生存需求。本文的作者将相关的处于危机中的青年文学与大流行之前和经历大流行期间的叙述并列,讨论了围绕他们教学环境的资金和制度限制。他们的案例研究揭示了非营利教育领域内相互竞争的优先事项,突出了 HSE 课程和管理中的陷阱和成功。作者得出结论,快速适应在线教学工具、平台和产品并不是许多成果生成者所希望的灵丹妙药。本文的作者将相关的处于危机中的青年文学与大流行之前和经历大流行期间的叙述并列,讨论了围绕他们教学环境的资金和制度限制。他们的案例研究揭示了非营利教育领域内相互竞争的优先事项,突出了 HSE 课程和管理中的陷阱和成功。作者得出结论,快速适应在线教学工具、平台和产品并不是许多成果生成者所希望的灵丹妙药。本文的作者将相关的处于危机中的青年文学与大流行之前和经历大流行期间的叙述并列,讨论了围绕他们教学环境的资金和制度限制。他们的案例研究揭示了非营利教育领域内相互竞争的优先事项,突出了 HSE 课程和管理中的陷阱和成功。作者得出结论,快速适应在线教学工具、平台和产品并不是许多成果生成者所希望的灵丹妙药。他们的案例研究揭示了非营利教育领域内相互竞争的优先事项,突出了 HSE 课程和管理中的陷阱和成功。作者得出结论,快速适应在线教学工具、平台和产品并不是许多成果生成者所希望的灵丹妙药。他们的案例研究揭示了非营利教育领域内相互竞争的优先事项,突出了 HSE 课程和管理中的陷阱和成功。作者得出结论,快速适应在线教学工具、平台和产品并不是许多成果生成者所希望的灵丹妙药。
