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Motivation for full degree mobility: analysing sociodemographic factors, mobility capital and field of study
Educational Review ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-27 , DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2021.1912712
Elisabeth Hovdhaugen 1 , Jannecke Wiers-Jenssen 2


In this paper we have investigated students’ motivations for undertaking a full degree abroad. It examines how motivations can be categorised, and if this varies according to gender, social origin, field of study and mobility capital (previous experience of living abroad or parents who have done so). The analyses are based on a survey of Norwegian students abroad, containing information from more than 4100 respondents. The three underlying dimensions of motivations identified are “Exploration”, “Pragmatism” and “Differentiation”, indicating that the traditional division between push and pull motivation is too simplistic. “Exploration”, the most strongly accentuated dimension, is particularly prominent among female students. “Pragmatism” is highly important for students enrolled in long, professional programmes with strict admission restrictions in Norway, such as medicine. “Differentiation” is more emphasised by students with high mobility capital. In general, motivations are more likely to vary according to field of study than sociodemographic factors, but mobility capital also exerts a substantial influence.




在本文中,我们调查了学生在国外攻读完整学位的动机。它研究了如何对动机进行分类,以及这是否会根据性别、社会出身、学习领域和流动资本(以前在国外生活的经历或有过这种经历的父母)而有所不同。这些分析基于对挪威海外学生的调查,其中包含来自 4100 多名受访者的信息。确定的动机的三个基本维度是“探索”、“实用主义”和“差异化”,这表明传统的推力和拉力动机划分过于简单。“探索”是最被强调的维度,在女学生中尤为突出。“务实”对于长期就读的学生来说非常重要,挪威有严格入学限制的专业课程,例如医学。流动资本高的同学更强调“差异化”。一般来说,动机更可能因研究领域而异,而不是社会人口因素,但流动性资本也有很大的影响。
