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On significative exergy: Toward a logomachics of education
Educational Philosophy and Theory ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-27 , DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2021.1903435
Joel White 1


The conceptual gambit of this article is to propose that the notion of anti-entropy should be complemented by that of exergy investment or destruction, a term first proposed by Zoran Rant in 1956 Rant, Z. (1956). Exergie, Ein neues Wort für “technische Arbeitsfähigkeit. Forschung Auf Dem Gebiete Des Ingenieurwesens, 22, 3637. [Google Scholar]. It argues that one of Bernard Stiegler’s most important interventions into deconstruction is the thermodynamic reformulation of Derridean différance. I argue that we should view the idea of anti-entropy as likewise the displacement of entropy to an external system. With the notion of exergy, it becomes possible to outline an economics of exergy expenditure and investment that considers this displacement. Having argued for the necessity of exergy as a concept that may complement anti-entropy, I demonstrate that this economy of exergy expenditure, through transductive analogy, can be applied to signification. An economics of exergy may give crucial insight into the transcendental problem of signification; that which Derrida’s notion of différance first responded to. I ask the question: can a trace-like logic of sense be understood energetically if trace itself is understood to be materially inscribed into the world? Having explored this question, I then outline how education might be understood as both the means through with traditional significations are energetically maintained as well as the means through which metastable significations can be disrupted. I use the recent banning of anti-capitalist literature in the UK as an example of what I call logomachics, a conflict of significative exergetic investment and disinvestment.




本文的概念策略是建议反熵的概念应该由火用投资或破坏的概念来补充,该术语由 Zoran Rant 于1956 年首次提出 兰特,Z.1956 年)。Exergie, Ein neues Wort für “technische Arbeitsfähigkeit . Forschung Auf Dem Gebiete Des Ingenieurwesens22岁,36 - 37 岁 [谷歌学术]。它认为,伯纳德·斯蒂格勒对解构的最重要干预之一是德里德差异的热力学重构。我认为我们应该将反熵的概念视为同样的熵向外部系统的位移。有了火用的概念,就有可能勾勒出一种考虑这种置换的火用支出和投资经济学。在论证了火用作为一个可以补充反熵的概念的必要性之后,我证明了这种火用支出经济,通过转换类比,可以应用于意义。火用经济学可以对意义的先验问题提供重要的洞察力;德里达的延异第一时间回应。我问一个问题:如果痕迹本身被理解为物质地铭刻在世界中,那么一种类似痕迹的感觉逻辑是否可以被积极地理解?在探讨了这个问题之后,我然后概述了如何将教育理解为既能通过传统意义得到积极维持的手段,又能被理解为可以破坏亚稳态意义的手段。我用最近在英国禁止反资本主义文学作为我所说的逻辑学的例子,即有意义的有效投资和撤资的冲突。
