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Comparative Vectorial Competence of Biomphalaria sudanica and Biomphalaria choanomphala, Snail Hosts of Schistosoma mansoni, From Transmission Hotspots In Lake Victoria, Western Kenya
Journal of Parasitology ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-27 , DOI: 10.1645/20-138
Martin W Mutuku 1, 2 , Martina R Laidemitt 3 , Johannie M Spaan 4 , Ibrahim N Mwangi 1 , Horace Ochanda 2 , Michelle L Steinauer 4 , Eric S Loker 3 , Gerald M Mkoji 1

Schistosoma mansoni, which causes human intestinal schistosomiasis, continues to be a major public health concern in the Lake Victoria basin in western Kenya, with Biomphalaria sudanica (a shoreline inhabiting snail) and Biomphalaria choanomphala (a deep-water snail) playing roles in transmission. A recent study showed that B. sudanica was abundantly present near all study villages on the lakeshore, but B. choanomphala was significantly more abundant near villages known to be persistent transmission hotspots. The present study investigated the relative compatibility of B. sudanica and B. choanomphala with S. mansoni. A reciprocal cross-infection experiment used young adult F1 generation B. sudanica and B. choanomphala that were exposed to either 1, 5, or 10 sympatric or allopatric human-derived S. mansoni miracidia. Three weeks post-exposure (PE) and weekly thereafter, the snails were counted and screened for schistosome cercariae, and at 7 wk PE, total cercariae shed during a 2 hr period by each infected snail was determined. Pre-patent periods for S. mansoni in both B. sudanica and B. choanomphala were similar, and most snails in all exposure combinations started shedding cercariae 5 wk PE. Prevalences were significantly higher in B. choanomphala (12.2–80.9%) than in B. sudanica (5.2–18.6%) at each dose, regardless of whether miracidia were of an allopatric or a sympatric source (P < 0.0001). Overall, the odds of a snail becoming infected with 5 or 10 miracidia were significantly higher than the odds of being infected with 1 miracidium, (P < 0.0001), and fewer cercariae were produced by snails exposed to single as compared to 5 or 10 miracidia. On average, B. choanomphala produced more cercariae ( = 458, SD = 414) than B. sudanica ( = 238, SD = 208) (P < 0.0001). These results suggest that B. choanomphala is more compatible with S. mansoni than B. sudanica. Though B. choanomphala can be found in shallow shoreline waters, it is, for the most part, a deeper-water taxon. Because dredging is a relatively inefficient means of sampling, B. choanomphala is likely underestimated with respect to its population size, the number of S. mansoni–positive snails, and its role in maintaining transmission.



引起人类肠道血吸虫病的曼氏血吸虫,仍然是肯尼亚西部维多利亚湖流域的主要公共卫生问题,苏丹红细菌Biomphalaria sudanica)(栖息于蜗牛的海岸线)和Biomphalaria choanomphala(深水蜗牛)在传播中起着重要作用。最近的一项研究表明,苏丹白僵菌在湖岸上所有研究村庄附近都大量存在,但在已知为持续传播热点的村庄附近,霍乱芽孢杆菌则更为丰富。本研究调查了苏丹苏丹芽孢杆菌霍乱芽孢杆菌曼氏葡萄球菌的相对相容性。相互交叉感染实验使用暴露于1、5、10个同伴或异源性人源性曼氏沙门氏菌(S. mansoni miracidia)的年轻F1代成年B. sudanica和B. choanomphala。暴露后三周(PE),此后每周一次,对蜗牛进行计数并筛选血吸虫尾,在7周PE下,确定每只受感染的蜗牛在2小时内脱落的尾cer总数。用于预专利周期曼氏血吸虫在两个B. sudanicaB. choanomphala是相似的,并且在所有暴露的组合最蜗牛开始脱落尾蚴5周PE。患病率分别为在显著较高B. choanomphala(12.2-80.9%)比B. sudanica每次服用(5.2–18.6%),无论酸是异源性还是同源性(P <0.0001)。总体而言,蜗牛感染5或10 miraturia的几率显着高于感染1 miraturium的几率(P <0.0001),与5或10 miraturia相比,暴露于单一状态的蜗牛产生的尾c少。平均而言,霍乱双歧杆菌产生的尾c(= 458,SD = 414)比苏丹双歧杆菌(= 238,SD = 208)多(P <0.0001)。这些结果表明,B。choanomphalaS. mansoniB. sudanica更兼容。虽然B. choanomphala可以在海岸线浅水区找到,在大多数情况下,它是较深水的分类群。由于疏is是一种相对低效的采样方法,因此就其种群数量,曼氏沙门氏菌阳性蜗牛的数量及其在保持传播中的作用而言,霍乱双歧杆菌很可能被低估了。
