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Expanding the boundaries of learning
Phi Delta Kappan ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-26 , DOI: 10.1177/00317217211013930
Thomas Hatch

Taking advantage of the possibilities for learning outside of school requires us to build on what we know about why it is so hard to sustain and scale up unconventional educational experiences within conventional schools. To illustrate the opportunities and challenges, Thomas Hatch describes a large-scale approach to project-based learning developed in a camp in New Hampshire and incorporated in a Brooklyn school, a trip-based program in Detroit, and Singapore’s systemic embrace of learning outside school. By understanding the conditions that can sustain alternative instructional practices, educators can find places to challenge the boundaries of schooling and create visions of the possible that exceed current constraints.



充分利用校外学习的可能性,要求我们在我们了解的传统基础上,为何难以维持和扩大非常规教育经验的基础上。为了说明机遇和挑战,托马斯·哈奇(Thomas Hatch)介绍了在新罕布什尔州的一个营地中开发并结合到布鲁克林学校,底特律的出行计划以及新加坡系统性地接受校外学习的大规模基于项目的学习方法。通过了解可以维持替代教学实践的条件,教育工作者可以找到挑战学校教育界限的地方,并提出超越当前限制的可能愿景
