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Extracurricular activities can play a central role in K-12 education
Phi Delta Kappan ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-26 , DOI: 10.1177/00317217211013931
Chad Lang

Schools are pivoting to rebound from the negative effects the COVID-19 pandemic created for student development, academic achievement, and school culture. As all school constituencies collaborate to reinstitute normalcy, support student development, and maximize academic achievement, extracurricular activities may become more essential than ever. Chad Lang proposes that educators include extracurricular participation in their overall school improvement vision by increasing stakeholder collaboration in goal setting, broadening student participation, and providing professional development for teachers and program sponsors.



学校正在努力从COVID-19大流行对学生发展,学业成就和学校文化造成的负面影响中反弹。当所有学校选区共同努力恢复正常状态,支持学生发展并最大限度地提高学业成就时,课外活动可能比以往任何时候都变得更加重要。乍得·朗(Chad Lang)建议,通过在目标设定中增加利益相关者的协作,扩大学生的参与并为教师和课程发起人提供专业发展,教育工作者应将课外参与纳入他们对学校整体发展的愿景
