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What Mister Rogers can teach us about teaching
Phi Delta Kappan ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-26 , DOI: 10.1177/00317217211013938
Gabrielle Vogt , Ann Monroe

Whom can educators look to as an exemplar of kind and compassionate teaching? Gabrielle Vogt and Ann Monroe explore the life and work of Fred Rogers as an unconventional teacher. By focusing on relationships, treating each child as unique, honoring children’s emotions, and communicating a positive message, Rogers showed care for children and their development. The authors encourage teachers to follow his example to create an environment that addresses children’s emotional needs and well-being.



教育工作者可以将谁视为善良和富有同情心的教学的典范?加布里埃尔·沃格特(Gabrielle Vogt)和安·梦露(Ann Monroe)探索弗雷德·罗杰斯(Fred Rogers)作为非常规老师的生活和工作。通过关注关系,将每个孩子视为独特的孩子,尊重孩子的情感并传达积极的信息,罗杰斯表现出对孩子及其成长的关爱。作者鼓励老师们效法他的榜样,创造一个解决儿童情感需求和幸福感的环境
