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The Dome of the Cuban National Capitol
International Journal of Architectural Heritage ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-26 , DOI: 10.1080/15583058.2021.1906352
María Mestre Martí 1 , Pedro M. Jiménez Vicario 1 , Manuel A. Ródenas-López 1 , Víctor Martínez Pacheco 1


The National Capitol of Cuba was built between 1926 and 1929, with very short completion terms for the technical-construction means of that time. The historic-technological article describes its dome’s bearing structure and it analyzes the constructive method used in the central part of this urban symbol. The analysis begins from a very rigorous study of the original plans, on-site visits made at the beginning of its rehabilitation, historic photographs belonging to the Ministry of Public Works and the revision of the published texts and photographs in The Capitol Book, of which there are only two physical copies in the premises of the Havana City Historian’s Office and in the Cuban Ministry of Culture.11 Five copies of the book are available in US University Libraries (Harvard Library, University of Florida, green Library of the Florida International University, University of Miami, University of Kansas, University of California, Riverside). The so-called Capitol Book (El Libro del Capitolio) was written by Emeterio S. Santovenia, in (1933). Its real title is: República de Cuba. Capitolio. Other recent publications about the Capitol of Havana include:Aniceto Ramos, Rolando (1998). El Capitolio de La Habana. Ed. José Martí.Vázquez García, Humberto. (2006) Historia, aventuras y leyendas del brillante del Capitolio. Ed. Boloña, La Habana Vieja, Cuba. Publicaciones de la Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad. Colección Raíces (Reedición de 1949).Pujols, Rolando; García Ortíz, Teresa. (1998). Guía de El Capitolio. Archivo Centro Capitolio de La Habana. Com-Relieve: Editorial Escudo de Oro.Hartman, Joseph. (2019) Dictator’s Dreamscape: How Architecture and Vision Built Machado’s Cuba and Invented Modern Havana. University of Pittsburgh Press.Mestre Martí, M.; Jiménez Vicario, P.M.; Ródenas López, M.A. (2019). La construcción del Capitolio de La Habana. Informes de la Construcción, 71(556): e319. https://doi.org/10.3989/ic.66826 The article makes known the technical and constructive outstanding points, used at that time for the implementation of the dome and it unmasks its internal structure, which is extremely complicated. The text is accompanied by several axonometries that facilitate its graphical understanding.




古巴国会大厦建于 1926 年至 1929 年之间,当时的技术建设手段的完工期限非常短。历史技术文章描述了它的圆顶的承重结构,并分析了在这个城市符号的中心部分使用的构造方法。分析开始于对原始计划的非常严格的研究、修复开始时进行的实地考察、属于公共工程部的历史照片以及对《国会大厦书》中出版的文字和照片的修订,其中哈瓦那市历史学家办公室和古巴文化部只有两份实体副本。11美国大学图书馆(哈佛大学图书馆、佛罗里达大学、佛罗里达国际大学绿色图书馆、迈阿密大学、堪萨斯大学、加利福尼亚大学河滨分校)有五本该书。所谓的国会书 ( El Libro del Capitolio ) 由 Emeterio S. Santovenia 于 1933 年撰写。它的真正名称是:古巴共和国。国会大厦。最近有关哈瓦那国会大厦的其他出版物包括:Aniceto Ramos, Rolando (1998)。El Capitolio de La Habana。埃德。何塞·马蒂。巴斯克斯·加西亚,温贝托。(2006 年)历史,aventuras y leyendas del brillante del Capitolio。埃德。波洛尼亚,拉哈瓦那老城,古巴。Publicaciones de la Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad。Colección Raíces (Reedición de 1949)。普约尔斯,罗兰多;加西亚·奥尔蒂斯,特蕾莎。(1998 年)。Guíade El Capitolio。Archivo Centro Capitolio de La Habana。Com-Relieve:社论 Escudo de Oro。哈特曼,约瑟夫。(2019)独裁者的梦境:建筑和视觉如何建造马查多的古巴和发明现代哈瓦那。匹兹堡大学出版社。梅斯特马蒂,M.;希门尼斯·维卡里奥,总理;Ródenas López,马萨诸塞州(2019 年)。La construcción del Capitolio de La Habana。通知 de la Consrucción,71(556):e319。https://doi.org/10.3989/ic.66826文章揭示了当时用于实现圆顶的技术和建设突出点,并揭示了其内部结构,这非常复杂。该文本附有几个轴测图,有助于其图形理解。
