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Large-Scale Explosion and Induced Seismicity: Geological, Structural, and Hydrogeological Impacts
Pure and Applied Geophysics ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s00024-021-02714-1
Ella Gorbunova

This article presents the results of geological, structural, and hydrogeological investigations carried out before and after a large-scale explosion of an object located within the Semipalatinsk Test Site. The obtained data are compared with published information on aftershock emissions registered in an epicentral area after an explosion. Zones with irreversibly changed mechanical and filtrational parameters of geological media are compared with a spatiotemporal distribution of high-amplitude aftershocks in plan and cross-sectional views. The cone of depression formed in the potentiometric surface coincides with the area of registered microseismic events. The general trend of decreasing microseismicity intensity induced by underground large-scale explosion is synchronic with stabilization of the hydrogeodynamic situation.



