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Determinants of entrepreneurial knowledge and information sharing in professional virtual learning communities created using mobile messaging apps
Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research Pub Date : 2021-04-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s40497-021-00275-0
Naser Zamani , Fatemeh Kazemi , Ehsan Masoomi

There is very limited knowledge about the factors that influence entrepreneurial knowledge and information sharing in professional virtual learning communities created using mobile messaging apps. To address this gap, a survey was conducted on 165 members of agricultural entrepreneurship virtual communities created using Viber and WhatsApp. Qualitative data were also gathered through interviews with 30 virtual community members, and were analyzed to provide further understanding of the quantitative findings. Structural equation modeling was used to evaluate the model and the significance of relationships between the constructs. Results indicated that subjective norms affect perceived ease of use, and perceived ease of use directly and indirectly (through perceived usefulness) affect knowledge and information sharing intentions. In addition, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness indirectly (through the intentions) affect knowledge and information sharing. The findings of qualitative data analysis provided support for the influence of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness on sharing behavior. The qualitative results also revealed that subjective norms, virtual community norms and rules, and leadership play roles in encouraging or discouraging community members to participate in knowledge sharing activities. This study confirmed the validity of the technology acceptance (TAM) model for explaining knowledge and information sharing within professional virtual learning communities on mobile messaging apps, particularly when the model includes subjective norms. The current study contributes to the literature on knowledge sharing in virtual communities by focusing on virtual learning communities created using mobile messaging apps. This research also provides practical implications to improve knowledge sharing in professional virtual learning communities on mobile messaging apps.



