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Editorial Announcements
Journal of the History of Philosophy ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-26
Deborah Boyle

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Editorial Announcements
  • Deborah Boyle

Each year the JHP awards an Article Prize to an article published in the previous year's volume, and a Book Prize to a book published in the previous year (according to the copyright date) that deserves special recognition for its contribution to the history of Western philosophy. For the Book Prize, publishers (not authors) may nominate books by submitting a hard copy to the Book Review Editor for consideration. The nomination and book must be received by January 1 following the year for which the prize is to be awarded.

The JHP Board of Directors awards an annual prize of $5,000 for the best book in the history of philosophy published in the previous year. On the Board's behalf, I am pleased to announce that the winner of the prize for 2020 is Sanford Shieh's Necessity Lost: Modality and Logic in Early Analytic Philosophy, vol. 1 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019). A special Honorable Mention goes to Ada Bronowski's The Stoics on Lekta: All There Is to Say (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019), which came in as a very close second.

The JHP Board of Directors also awards an annual prize of $1,500 for the best contribution to the Articles section of the Journal. On the Board's behalf, I am pleased to announce that the winner of the sixteenth annual prize is Jari Kaukua for "Avicenna's Outsourced Rationalism," JHP 58.2 (April 2020): 215–40. [End Page 6]

Copyright © 2021 Journal of the History of Philosophy, Inc. ...




  • 编辑公告
  • 黛博拉·博伊尔(Deborah Boyle)


JHP董事会每年颁发5,000美元的奖金,以奖励上一年出版的哲学史上最好的书。我很高兴地宣布,2020年奖的获得者是Sanford Shieh的《必然性的丧失:早期分析哲学中的模态和逻辑》,第1卷。1(牛津:牛津大学出版社,2019)。特别值得一提的是Ada Bronowski的《关于Lekta的Stoics:要说的一切》(牛津大学:牛津大学出版社,2019年),紧随其后。

JHP董事会还授予年度奖1,500美元,以表彰其对《华尔街日报》“文章”部分的最佳贡献。我很高兴地宣布,第16届年度大奖的获奖者是Jari Kaukua,他的作品是《 Avicenna的外包理性主义》,JHP 58.2(2020年4月):215–40。[结束第6页]

