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Long term post-fire recovery of woody plants in savannas of central Brazil
Forest Ecology and Management ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119255
Waira S. Machida , Letícia Gomes , Pamela Moser , Isabela B. Castro , Sabrina C. Miranda , Manoel C. da Silva-Júnior , Mercedes M.C. Bustamante

Although fires have occurred in the Brazilian savannas (Cerrado) without human influence, current human activities are changing the fire regimes and negatively affects the vegetation resilience and recovery rates. Contrasting effects of fire on biodiversity and structure of vegetation in the Cerrado are dependent on fire frequency. Some anthropogenic fire regimes have increased fire frequency with shorter intervals between fires. However, the dynamics post-fire and the time needed for vegetation recovery are still poorly understood for the woody plants of Cerrado. We aimed to respond to two questions: Do the structure, floristic, and functional composition of woody species recover eight years post-fire? Do two consecutive fire events with seven years interval affect the floristic and structure of woody plants over time? We evaluated the woody dynamics in Cerrado savannas under three different fire regimes in central Brazil. We measured all trees and shrubs in 10 plots (totaling 1 ha) from 1997 to 2019 (22 years) and in 10 additional plots from 2008 to 2019 (11 years) in three areas: unburned area (fire exclusion for 30 years – fire regime 0), burned area 1 (one fire event in 2011 – fire regime 1), and burned area 2 (burned in 1998 and 2005 – fire regime 2). We analyzed the vegetation structure, floristic, and functional composition through multiple inventories to evaluate the vegetation recovery status. Density, basal area, and biomass increased similarly over time in the burned area 1 and the unburned area, showing that the woody vegetation parameters has recovered eight years after one fire event. Our results also showed that vegetation structure (i.e., density, basal area, and aboveground biomass) remained relatively constant between 2006 and 2013 (8 years after the occurrence of two fires). The data indicate growth only in the inventory after 14 years without fire.



尽管巴西热带稀树草原(塞拉多)发生了大火,没有人为影响,但目前的人类活动正在改变着火状况,并对植被的复原力和恢复率产生负面影响。火对塞拉多地区生物多样性和植被结构的相反影响取决于火的频率。一些人为的火灾状况增加了火灾频率,两次火灾之间的间隔时间较短。然而,对于塞拉多的木本植物,人们仍然对火灾后的动态和恢复植被所需的时间知之甚少。我们旨在回答两个问题:结构,植物,木本物种的功能和功能组成会在火灾后恢复八年吗?间隔七年的两次连续火灾是否会随时间影响木本植物的植物区系和结构?我们评估了巴西中部三种不同火情下塞拉多大草原的木质动力。我们在1997年至2019年(共22年)的10个样地(总计1公顷)和从2008年至2019年(11年)的另外10个样地中的三个区域中测量了所有树木和灌木:未烧毁区域(30年无火情况–火灾情况) 0),燃烧区域1(2011年发生一场大火-着火状态1)和燃烧区域2(1998年和2005年燃烧过-着火状态2)。我们通过多个清单分析了植被的结构,植物区系和功能成分,以评估植被的恢复状况。密度,基底面积,燃烧区1和未燃烧区的生物量随时间的增长情况相似,表明一次火灾发生八年后,木质植被参数已经恢复。我们的结果还表明,植被结构(即密度,基础面积和地上生物量)在2006年至2013年(两次大火发生后的8年)之间保持相对恒定。数据表明只有14年无火后库存增加。
