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Forest fire and law: an analysis of Turkish forest fire legislation based on Food and Agriculture Organization criteria
Fire Ecology ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-26 , DOI: 10.1186/s42408-021-00102-7
Osman Devrim Elvan , Üstüner Birben , Ulaş Yunus Özkan , Hasan Tezcan Yıldırım , Yavuz Özhan Türker

Because of climate and forest vegetation, Turkey has regions (particularly the Mediterranean and Aegean regions) that are vulnerable to forest fires. Approximately 2000 forest fires have occurred every year for the last 20 years, with at least 48% of them caused by humans. This percentage increases to 71% when the rates of fires of unknown causes are included. In this study, legislation on Turkish forest fires was analyzed based on the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO’s) guide, “Forest Fires and the Law.” The guide was prepared by expert lawyers and addresses the basic topics of definitions; institutional setup and interinstitutional coordination planning, monitoring, and assessment; prevention and preparedness; detection and early warning and suppression; participatory and community-based approaches to fire management; fire use; rehabilitation; and law enforcement. The objective of this study was to reveal the current status of Turkish forestry legislation and its practices based on the FAO guide. According to our analysis, Turkish forestry legislation has followed the FAO criteria 78.1% of the time. It is clear that effective regulations exist, with the Turkish Constitution being the foremost touchstone. The results illustrate that, no matter how strong the legislation is, a deficiency in administrative measures and a lack of public awareness make combating forest fires unsuccessful. The areas that need to be improved have been determined to be definitions, participatory and community-based approaches to fire management, and creating a fire line. A focus on public participation and the social approach is needed.



由于气候和森林植被,土耳其的地区(尤其是地中海和爱琴海地区)容易遭受森林大火的袭击。在过去的20年中,每年大约发生2000起森林大火,其中至少48%是人为造成的。当包括未知原因的火灾发生率时,该百分比增加到71%​​。在这项研究中,基于粮食与农业组织(FAO)的指南《森林火灾与法律》对土耳其森林火灾的立法进行了分析。该指南由专业律师编写,涉及定义的基本主题;机构设置和机构间协调计划,监测和评估;预防和准备;发现,早期预警和抑制;参与式和基于社区的消防管理方法;消防用途; 复原; 和执法。这项研究的目的是在粮农组织指南的基础上揭示土耳其林业立法的现状及其实践。根据我们的分析,土耳其林业立法有78.1%的时间遵循了粮农组织的标准。显然,存在有效的法规,而《土耳其宪法》是最重要的试金石。结果表明,无论立法多么强大,行政措施的不足和公众意识的缺乏都使得扑灭森林大火无法成功。确定了需要改进的领域,包括定义,参与式和基于社区的消防管理方法以及创建防火线。需要关注公众参与和社会方法。这项研究的目的是在粮农组织指南的基础上揭示土耳其林业立法的现状及其实践。根据我们的分析,土耳其林业立法有78.1%的时间遵循了粮农组织的标准。显然,存在有效的法规,而《土耳其宪法》是最重要的试金石。结果表明,无论立法多么强大,行政措施的不足和公众意识的缺乏都使得扑灭森林大火无法成功。已经确定需要改进的领域是定义,参与式和基于社区的消防管理方法以及创建防火线。需要关注公众参与和社会方法。这项研究的目的是在粮农组织指南的基础上揭示土耳其林业立法的现状及其实践。根据我们的分析,土耳其林业立法有78.1%的时间遵循了粮农组织的标准。显然,存在有效的法规,而《土耳其宪法》是最重要的试金石。结果表明,无论立法多么强大,行政措施的不足和公众意识的缺乏都使得扑灭森林大火无法成功。确定了需要改进的领域,包括定义,参与式和基于社区的消防管理方法以及创建防火线。需要关注公众参与和社会方法。