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On the Detection of Habitable Trojan Planets in the Kepler Circumbinary Systems
The Astronomical Journal ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-19 , DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/abec3f
Jeffrey J. Sudol 1 , Nader Haghighipour 2

We present the results of a study of the prospect of detecting habitable Trojan planets in the Kepler Habitable Zone circumbinary planetary systems (Kepler-16, -47, -453, -1647, and -1661). We integrated the orbits of 10,000 separate N-body systems (N = 4, 6), each with a one Earth-mass body in a randomly selected orbit near the L 4 and L 5 Lagrangian points of the host HZ circumbinary planet. We find that stable Trojan planets are restricted to a narrow range of semimajor axes in all five systems and limited to small eccentricities in Kepler-16, -47, and -1661. To assess the prospect of the detection of these habitable Trojan planets, we calculated the amplitudes of the variations they cause in the transit timing of their host bodies. Results show that the mean amplitudes of the transit timing variations (TTVs) correlate with the mass of the transiting planet and range from 70 minutes for Kepler-16b to 390 minutes for Kepler-47c. Our analysis indicates that the TTVs of the circumbinary planets caused by these Trojan bodies fall within the detectable range of timing precision obtained from the Kepler telescope’s long-cadence data. The latter points to Kepler data as a viable source to search for habitable Trojan planets.



我们展示了在开普勒宜居带双星行星系统(Kepler-16、-47、-453、-1647 和 -1661)中探测宜居特洛伊行星的前景的研究结果。我们整合了 10,000 个独立N体系统 ( N = 4, 6)的轨道,每个系统在L 4L 5附近随机选择的轨道上都有一个地球质量体宿主 HZ 环绕双星行星的拉格朗日点。我们发现,在所有五个系统中,稳定的特洛伊行星仅限于窄范围的半长轴,并且仅限于开普勒 16、-47 和 -1661 中的小偏心率。为了评估检测这些宜居特洛伊行星的前景,我们计算了它们在宿主身体的凌日时间中引起的变化幅度。结果表明,凌日时间变化 (TTV) 的平均振幅与凌日行星的质量相关,范围从 Kepler-16b 的 70 分钟到 Kepler-47c 的 390 分钟。我们的分析表明,由这些特洛伊天体引起的环绕双星行星的 TTV 落在从开普勒望远镜的长节奏数据获得的计时精度的可检测范围内。
