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Astrometric Membership Tests for the Zinn–Newell–Gibson UV-bright Stars in Galactic Globular Clusters
The Astronomical Journal ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-31 , DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/abe875
Howard E. Bond 1, 2

In 1972, Zinn, Newell, & Gibson (ZNG) published a list of 156 candidate UV-bright stars they had found in 27 Galactic globular clusters (GCs), based on photographs in the U and V bands. UV-bright stars lie above the horizontal branch (HB) and blueward of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and red giant branch in the clusters’ color–magnitude diagrams. They are in rapid evolutionary phases—if they are members and not unrelated bright foreground stars. The ZNG list has inspired numerous follow-up studies, aimed at understanding late stages of stellar evolution. However, the ZNG candidates were presented only in finding charts, and celestial coordinates were not given. Using my own collection of CCD frames in u and V, I have identified all of the ZNG objects, and have assembled their coordinates, parallaxes, and proper motions from the recent Gaia Early Data Release 3 (EDR3). Based on the Gaia astrometry, I have determined which objects are probable cluster members (45% of the sample). For the members, using photometry from EDR3, I have assigned the stars to various evolutionary stages, including luminous post-AGB stars, and stars above the HB. I point out several ZNG stars of special interest that have still, to my knowledge, never been studied in detail. This study is an adjunct to a forthcoming survey of the Galactic GCs in the uBVI photometric system, designed for detection of low-gravity stars with large Balmer discontinuities.


银河球状星团中 Zinn-Newell-Gibson 紫外线明亮恒星的天体测量成员资格测试

1972 年,Zinn、Newell 和 Gibson (ZNG) 根据UV波段的照片,公布了他们在 27 个银河球状星团 (GC) 中发现的 156 颗候选紫外线明亮恒星的清单。在星团的颜色-星等图中,紫外线明亮的恒星位于渐近巨星分支(AGB)和红巨星分支的水平分支(HB)上方和向蓝方向。它们处于快速演化阶段——如果它们是成员而不是无关的明亮前景恒星。ZNG 列表激发了许多后续研究,旨在了解恒星演化的后期阶段。但是,ZNG 候选对象仅在查找图表中出现,并没有给出天体坐标。在uV 中使用我自己的 CCD 帧集合,我已经确定了所有的 ZNG 对象,并从最近的 Gaia Early Data Release 3 (EDR3) 中收集了它们的坐标、视差和自行。基于盖亚天体测量,我确定了哪些天体是可能的星团成员(占样本的 45%)。对于成员,使用 EDR3 的光度测量,我将恒星分配到不同的演化阶段,包括发光的后 AGB 恒星和 HB 以上的恒星。我指出了几个特别感兴趣的 ZNG 明星,据我所知,它们从未被详细研究过。这项研究是即将在uBVI光度计系统中对银河系 GC 进行的一项调查的补充,该系统旨在探测具有大巴尔默不连续性的低重力恒星。
