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The sound of music: determining Young’s modulus using a guitar string
Physics Education Pub Date : 2021-04-01 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6552/abef07
Freek Pols

When a new topic is introduced in the curriculum, teachers seek various ways to teach students the related concepts. For the novel topic ‘materials’ in the revised Dutch curriculum, I developed an experiment in which students determine Young’s modulus using a guitar string. The experiment not only covers several concepts related to ‘materials’ it also provides a clear link to the physics of music and illustrates to students, aged 16, why the topic ‘materials’ could be of interest.



当课程中引入一个新主题时,教师会寻求各种方式向学生传授相关概念。对于修订后的荷兰课程中的新主题“材料”,我开发了一个实验,让学生使用吉他弦来确定杨氏模量。该实验不仅涵盖了与“材料”相关的几个概念,还提供了与音乐物理学的清晰联系,并向 16 岁的学生说明了为什么“材料”主题可能会引起兴趣。
