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Force AFRIMETS supplementary comparison AFRIMETS.M.F-S2
Metrologia ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-16 , DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/58/1a/07001
Josephat Obwoge Bangi 1 , Mark Seidel 2 , Sipho Dlamini 3 , James Matosse 3

The Regional Metrology Organization AFRIMETS Technical Committee in Mass and related Quantities (TCM) Working Group Force (WGF) met in July 2018 in Enugu Nigeria during the 12th General Assembly (GA) and made a decision to carry out an AFRIMETS supplementary comparison for the unit of force. This comparison, named the AFRIMETS.M. F-S2 supplementary comparison, in the force range of 250 kN and 500 kN. This comparison was planned to demonstrate the degree of equivalence between the national standards of force and to provide evidence for the Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMCs) claimed by the participating National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) in the AFRIMETS region, and particularly the who did not participate in the global CCM.F-K2 KC. The AFRIMETS TCM approved that KEBS of Kenya to serve as the pilot laboratory. and PTB of Germany to would be link laboratories. Although not part of the AFRIMETS region, PTB from EURAMET was invited to participate and provided the reference values while NMISA provided the transfer standards used during the comparison.

To reach the main text of this paper, click on Final Report. Note that this text is that which appears in Appendix B of the BIPM key comparison database kcdb.bipm.org/.

The final report has been peer-reviewed and approved for publication by the CCM, according to the provisions of the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM MRA).



区域计量组织 AFRIMETS 质量和相关数量技术委员会 (TCM) 工作组 (WGF) 于 2018 年 7 月在尼日利亚埃努古第 12 届大会 (GA) 期间举行会议,并决定对该单位进行 AFRIMETS 补充比较的力量。这种比较,命名为 AFRIMETS.M。F-S2补充对比,在250 kN和500 kN的力范围内。该比较旨在证明国家力标准之间的等效程度,并为参与 AFRIMETS 地区的国家计量机构 (NMI) 所声称的校准和测量能力 (CMC) 提供证据,特别是那些没有参加全球CCM.F-K2 KC。AFRIMETS TCM批准肯尼亚的KEBS作为中试实验室。和德国的 PTB 将成为链接实验室。虽然不属于 AFRIMETS 区域,但 EURAMET 的 PTB 受邀参与并提供参考值,而 NMISA 提供比较期间使用的转移标准。

要访问本文的正文,请单击最终报告。请注意,此文本出现在 BIPM 密钥比较数据库 kcdb.bipm.org/ 的附录 B 中。

根据 CIPM 互认安排 (CIPM MRA) 的规定,最终报告已通过同行评审并由 CCM 批准发布。
